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Wilkes University

Wilkes, United States

Private -1933


Male : Female

Wilkes University is a non-denominational American university which was established as a satellite campus of Bucknell University in 1933 and later became an independent institution in 1947. The university offers majors in Science, Engineering, Business, Education and Liberal Arts for undergraduate and graduate students under 7 schools: University College College of Science and Engineering, College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, Passan School of Nursing, Nesbitt School of Pharmacy, The School of Education and Jay S. Sidhu School of Business and Leadership. Some of the graduate teaching education programs are hosted online while graduate programs such as Creative Writing, Bioengineering and Nursing are also available at the university. There are various student-run clubs and organisations including sports like lacrosse, skiing, volleyball, running and ultimate frisbee. Major clubs associated with academics include Sociology, Psychology, Pre-Pharmacy, Criminology and other common interest clubs include vegetarianism, anime, animal advocacy and robotics. Wilkes University has an active student media including FM radio station WCLH, Communication Center, television station, weekly newspaper titled ‘The Beacon’ and a literary magazine named ‘Manuscript’.
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