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University of Alaska - Fairbanks

Fairbanks, United States

Public -1917

Founded in the year 1917, the University of Alaska is a public research university. With a variety of courses available the university is home to 8,500 students. The university has a flagship campus with the University of Alaska System and is an institution with a land grant, sea-grant and space-grant. With a long list of 179-degree courses, the university grabs an enrollment of an average 8,336 students every year. Following are some of the courses provided by the university- Accounting, Anthropology, Applied Science, Biology, Business Administration, Chemistry, Computer Science, Dental Hygiene, Economics, Engineering, Geography, History and many more. The University has a set of 9 colleges and schools - School of Education, Graduate School, College of Fisheries and Ocean Science, School of Management, School of Natural Resources and Extension, College of Liberal Arts, College of Engineering and Mines, Colleg of Natural Science and Mathematics, College of rural and Community Development. The sports team of the University named “Alaska Nanooks” compete in the NCAA Division I. Basketball, Cross Country, Ice Hockey, Rifle, Skiing, Swimming. A variety of housing options are available at the campus like apartments, halls etc.
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