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Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia

Lima, Peru

Private -1961

Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH) was established in 1961 with a mission to serve the field of Health and Medical Sciences in Peru. The university was established by a group of highly experienced medical professors of National Academy of Medicine and founded the Cayetano Heredia Medical Teachers' Union in July 1961, which finally culminated in the foundation of the University of Medical and Biological Sciences in association with the Peruvian government in September, 1961. The degrees awarded by the university are accredited by the Institutional Accreditation by the International Institute for Quality Assurance (IAC). UPCH offers courses a wide range of postgraduate, doctoral and postdoctoral programs. The university also provides virtual/online postgraduate courses in various disciplines including, Education, Nursing, Psychology, Stomatology, Sciences and Philosophy, Veterinary Medicine and Public Health and Administration. Apart from this, the university also offers a large number of diploma courses related to the medical field.The university is spread across 4 campuses, the Central campus, the Miraflores campus, La Molina campus and the San Maria campus.
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