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St. Lawrence College

Cornwall, Canada


Before Ontario’s College’s founding in 1967, most trade schools of the province were established in the post war era. The tech wings were added to Ontario High School for young people in the 1950’s and after a decade, Premier William Davis, ‘the father of the Ontario College System’ created colleges of applied arts and technology to train young individuals. This is how St. Lawrence College was established. The College is a public entity and has three main campuses at Cornwell, Brockcille and Kingston. In 1968, Cornwell Classic College was purchased and renamed to Moulinette Hall. This was the beginning of the Cornwell Campus. After nearly 50 years, the college is still thriving and providing quality education to students. It is one of the few colleges that offers full time courses in Home Economics, Business Administration and Engineering Technology in Ontario. The college holds an endowment of $65,000 which is specifically directed to the Metis, First nations and Inuit people. The college is home to students from approximately 40 countries of the world. It provides the following degree programs: Bachelor of Business Administration Bachelor of Applied Arts And Degree in Behavioural Psychology Bachelor of Science in Nursing
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