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NOVA University of Lisbon

Campolide, Portugal

Public -1973


Male : Female

The NOVA University of Lisbon was founded on 11th August 1973 and is considered as the youngest amongst the three Lisbon’s state universities. The university was established to meet the growing requirement for dissemination of knowledge, education and to exchange ideas and to communicate with the other European countries. The university has its pivotal foundation in the ancient Portugal tradition which perceives that educational institutions are a fundamental part of society. It is a decentralised University and allows its associated institutes and faculties to enjoy autonomy. The university’s motto is “Omnis Civitas Contra Se Divisa Non Stabit” which is loosely translated as “every city divided against itself shall not stand”. The institution aims to serve society at all levels, i.e. local, regional and global. The Nova University of Lisbon stands out in the international rankings and was ranked at the 21st position amongst 50-year old European Universities by the QS Under 50 rankings. Apart from this, the university is also ranked higher due to its individual programs and degrees. The university’s board of trustees’ include professionals with high merit in academics, cultural, business, scientific and technological innovations and international relations. Some of the trustees include: Guido Du Boulay Villax Zeferino Antas de Sousa Coelho Maria Helena Vaz de Carvalho Nazaré (President) Vera Maria Nobre da Costa Van Zeller Jose Luis da Cruz Vilaca
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