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Kanazawa University

Kanazawa, Japan



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Kanazawa University is one of the national universities of Japan that was established in 1949 with its two main campuses in Kakuma and Takaramachi. The university comprises of 3 colleges: Human and Social Sciences, Science and Engineering and Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Science; 5 graduate schools include Education, Law, Human and Socio-environment Studies, Natural Science and Technology and Medical Science and 8 faculties in Literature, Education, Law, Economics, Science, Engineering, Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences offering undergraduate, graduate degrees, KU-DIKTI program and courses under the Institute of Liberal Arts and Science. The university has research facilities like university libraries, university hospital and Cancer Research Institute. The campus includes Kenrokuen Garden, Ishikawa-ken History Museum and Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art. KU-GLOCS includes various globalization initiatives like Top Global University Project by Kanazawa University. The university also offers housing facilities to students which include large number of tenements such as apartments and condominiums and other housing facilities.
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