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Crandall University

Moncton, Canada

Private -1949

Operated by the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada, Crandall University is a liberal arts university established in 1949 as the United Baptist Bible Training School. In 1970, it became Atlantic Baptist College and was the only English university in Moncton in the 1990s. In 2009, the university was renamed as Crandall University after Rev. Joseph Crandall, an eminent Baptist minister in the maritime region. The university offers a diverse range of degree and certificate courses in Arts, Business Administration, Technical Education, Science, Organizational Management and Theology. It is the largest faith-centred university situated north of Boston and east of Toronto. The university faculty comprises of professors and scholars from the globally renowned academic institutions across the globe including Oxford, Notre Dame, British Columbia, Illinois, Ottawa, Toronto, Manchester, Penn State, amongst others. Moreover, it is one of two Canadian universities that has facilitated a study abroad agreement with the University of Oxford. Further, it has also collaborated with academic institutions in Alberta and China for providing short-term student exchange programs.
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