
Study abroad in New Zealand: The enrolment of international students is increasing at Taranaki Polytech 

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Study abroad in New Zealand
Reports stated that the number of international students is increasing to the polytechnic college of Taranaki, as it has been transitioned to fall under Te Pukenga

After the pre-COVID levels, the number of international students aiming to Study abroad in New Zealand and that too in Taranaki polytechnic is increasing a lot, although the university is going through management and organisational changes. 


In 2022 November, the WITT, also known as the Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki, considered to be one of the best Study abroad in New Zealand polytech, was one of the most famous as well as the last polytechnic colleges in New Zealand to fall under the umbrella of Te Pukenga. 

This is one type of mega polytechnic model that consists of 16 different institutes of technologies as well as nine different industry-related training programs. More than 5,000 students attend the Witt Te Pukenga, where more than 65% of students are overseas. 

Before the introduction of the COVID-19 pandemic, the polytechnic college in New Zealand used to have an average enrolment of 400 international students. In January, the Witt Te Pukemga stated that more than 200 international students took admitted in 2022, and the number will further increase. 

The Popularity of Taranaki Polytechnic 

The student projection of 2023 from Taranaki university was stated from the applications received. However, the actual attendance is dependent on the terms of the students who have received the visas to come to New Zealand for their higher education purposes

The university also stated that most students who are attending this polytechnic college are from Nepal and India, while other international students represent Vietnam, China, South Africa, and Cambodia. 

Due to the increase in the number of international students, the overall economy of the country has increased by $6 billion. This was witnessed after the change of leadership at Witt Te Pukenga. John Snook, who was appointed to the chief executive position of the Taranaki polytechnic in 2019, left his job role the previous year. 

After announcing a state followed by his departure from the college, the deputy chief executive of Pukenga, Gus Gilmore, said that Snook had served his position as a great advocate in the community as well as for the people of Taranaki during tough times. 

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