
Study in Canada: Govt Assures of Solutions for Indian Students Who Are Genuine Victims of Visa Fraud

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Study in Canada: Govt Assures of Solutions for Indian Students Who Are Genuine Victims of Visa Fraud
Amidst the outburst of deportation of duped Indian Students from Canada, the government has ordered a stay on deportation for the students to present their case. 

Due to fake documentation, nearly 700 students in Canada were facing deportation from the country on immediate grounds. As a lot of students among these were victims of fraud by agencies, the government has decided to stop the immediate deportation and allow the students to present their cases. 


The Immigration Minister, Sean Fraser himself made it clear that international students who are not involved in the fraudulent act will not face deportation. For all those who are found guilty, the minister has assured persecution under Canadian laws. 

As the imminent deportation is brought to a halt, the country is also employing a task force to protect and assist the students who have been victims of fraud. The IRCC will be issuing temporary resident permits to the students who have fraudulent documents but were unaware of the deceitful process and documentation used by the agencies. 

The intent of the student will also be judged as the Designated Learning Institutions representing the universities will be consulted. These students will also not face the 5-year ban from re-entering Canada which is the general protocol in case of misleading documents. 

Why is the Deportation Taking Place?

Sometime back, when the applications for Canadian study permits were being analysed, the authorities found some false documents within the applications. The letter of acceptance by the universities submitted for study permits was found to be fake in many cases. 

Most students in this case were victims of the wrong agencies and consultancies which exploit students to extract money by offering them false letters of acceptance. The natural procedure after the discovery of fake documents is to deport the students but in this case, the Indian and Canadian governments were ready to make amendments to it. 

Therefore, Indian students in Canada are being given a chance to prove their cases with evidence and justify their intent to study in Canada to be allowed to stay for studies in Canada on a temporary resident permit. The students found guilty will face the consequences as assured by the Immigration Minister and President of Canada. 

 Sean Fraser, Immigration Minister, Canada. Credit: Internet

What students can do in such a situation?

It is common to consult an expert in a field that you are not so familiar with. That is why while planning to study abroad many students consult study abroad experts and immigration firms to help them through the whole process. 

But while choosing an expert for themselves, the student should verify the viability, background and authenticity of the consultancy. There are a few pointers that students can look into before choosing the right consultancy for studying abroad

  1. The consultancy should have genuine student reviews and testimonials. 
  2. The consultancy should have transparency in partnerships and affiliations. 
  3. They will never you believe the impossible and will always persuade you to choose the right option for you, instead of forcing you.
  4. The right consultancy will always put students first. 
  5. Choose a consultancy with a good online and social media presence.

Though countries and universities will always protect student interests, students should also remain alert and careful on their end. One should always choose a well-known consultancy to help them in studying abroad after proper research. If you want to read more such exciting information, make sure you follow Leverage Edu News Updates.

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