
Study Abroad in Canada: Colleges Ontario Sets Rules For Better Protection of Their International Students

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Better Protection of Canadian International Students
Better Protection of Canadian International Students
Colleges Ontario is setting rules for recruiters and marketers to protect international students so that they feel safe while studying and working in Ontario while on their Canadian work and study permit.

Canadian colleges and universities are primarily known for their superb quality of education. However, Canadian international students face serious issues at work. Thus, Canadian Universities take action against the increasing disgrace towards international students in Canada who come over to study abroad. The new set of regulations meant for recruiters and marketers expects to alleviate the pain of international students. 


International students come across the globe to Canada with the hope of having great work opportunities while studying. However, recruiters often scourge off international students’ intellectual resources paying rigorously less. This concern was raised by Canadian international students several times. Currently, the Universities in Canada came up with schemes. The schemes are regulatory guidelines for recruiters and marketers to help international students lead a successful and stress-free occupation.

Better Protection of Canadian International Students

International students in Canada took the pain of high tuition fees in Canadian colleges. Not only this but also the high housing rents and increased travel expenses to and fro the colleges in Canada. The only respite for these international college students is that they can work alongside studying to accommodate themselves in Canada. However, instances of fake appointment letters, wrongly alluring job offers, and other disgraceful recruitment issues are increasing.

The Canadian public-funded universities and colleges took notice of the plight of international students. They deem it important to better protect Canadian international students. This is mostly because international students have great merit and skills to offer to the Canadian economy. Also, their global reputation depends largely on the Indian student market. This is because Indians fill nearly one-quarter of the international student population in Canada.

Rules and Regulations Against International Student Exploitation

Canadian colleges are “making sure that our international students are well taken care of.” Around 807,750 international students are in Canada and approximately more than half are in Ontario colleges! Thus, colleges and universities in Canada plan to navigate students through employment realities. The organization, Colleges Ontario, released a 12-page regulatory instruction document. Ontario is thus the first province to secure international students against exploitation. The 24 colleges under Colleges Ontario unite to build a better space for these college students.

Core Deliverables of International Standards Document

The document states, “these new standards will help ensure international students can succeed in their programs.” The 24 signatory Ontario colleges and universities will abide by the four agreeing statements for the welfare of international students in Canada.

  • Accurate marketing of degree programs to international students across borders.
  • Agent training programs for international agents onboarding students at these colleges.
  • Colleges need to provide student services, facilities, and support regarding mental well-being, employment opportunities, and accommodation.
  • Targeted assistance to international students while they adjust and settle in the new environment.

The document by Colleges Ontario reserves different standards and frameworks for every different stakeholder. Signatory colleges, universities, marketing agents, and recruiters also have to follow these basic principles while serving international students.

  • Student-focused
  • Professional
  • Transparent
  • Collaborative
  • Culturally sensitive and responsive
  • Accountable
  • Continuous improvement

Transparent & Reliable Future

International students in Ontario, Canada, will thus have great transparent employment and educational opportunities. This is because these measures will do away with the irrelevant agents, corporations, and mediators who exploit college students. Additionally, there will be regular audits to ensure these standards are followed. College students in Canada will have a safe haven with secure accommodations and employment opportunities. Additionally, training the recruiters ensures the reliability of international students on the companies they will target.

Leverage Edu is a study abroad student partner that is verified and recognized by colleges and universities in Canada. For more interesting information and news updates about studying abroad, follow Leverage Edu!

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