
Study Abroad: Quality Matters gave Certification to Clarkson University’s Course in Research Ethics

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Quality Matters Certification for Clarkson University
Clarkson University got certification from Quality Matters for their Research Ethics course.QM Certification is a globally accepted sign of online and combined course design quality.

Quality Matters Certification for Clarkson University. Yes, you heard it right. Quality Matters, known as QM, has given Clarkson University’s Research Ethics course a certification mark. QM Certification is a globally accepted sign of online and combined course design quality.

Quality Matters Certification for Clarkson University
Source – Twitter/@ClarksonUniv

Clarkson’s university’s regular improvement has given them a certification mark. Clarkson University’s first course that earned a certification mark in 2023 is BIE 555 Research Ethics Part I. It is also listed on the Quality Matters directory of certified courses.

BIE 555 belongs to the Caribbean Research Ethics Education Initiative (CREEii). It is funded by a National Institutes of Health Fogarty International Center (NIH FIC) grant. The funding’s main goal is to build research ethics capacity in the English- and Spanish-speaking Caribbean part. It also provides an MS Bioethics degree education at Clarkson University to three units of 15 CREEii fellows.

Clarkson’s participation in QM is important to achieving attachment to online learning quality standards. By motivating the courses so that they are able to achieve quality standards. On the other hand, Clarkson is really hoping to keep pace with other colleges. However, all institutions require all or at least some of their online courses to meet quality assurance (QA) standards according to CHLOE 2021, a survey of chief online officers (Garrett 2021).

Quality Matters Certification for Clarkson University courses are listed below-

  • BIE555 – Research Ethics, Sharmella R Martin Bernardo Garcia Camino Feb 02, 2023
  • OM680 Strategic Project Management, Michael Bissonette Dec 12, 2022
  • OM650 Operations Strategy and International Competitiveness, Jon Brink Oct 18, 2022
  • ED571 Middle Adolescence Literacy, Judy Morley Apr 20, 2022
  • TE540 Foundations of Teaching TESOL, Karen Gregory & Gretchen Oliver Feb 17, 2022
  • BIE573 Interpersonal Skills and Communication, Ellen Tobin Ballato Dec 08, 2021
  • ED573 Virtual Learning in the P-12 Classroom, Erin Blauvelt Mar 12, 2021
  • EE603/ME578/BOE620 Statistical Methods for Reliability and Life Data Analysis, Daniel Eno Dec 03, 2020
  • OM603 Decision Analysis & Supply Chain Modeling, William MacKinnon Mar 19, 2020
  • BIE 577 Managerial Epidemiology – Managerial Epidemiology, Jane Oppenlander May 03, 2019
  • EM680 Decision Analysis and Risk Management, William MacKinnon Oct 26, 2018
  • HC602 Advanced Statistics and Data Visualization, Jane Oppenlander Jun 22, 2018

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