
Lost in Translation? Discover the Intricacies of French Timekeeping

4 minute read

It’s essential to know how to ask for and tell the time in our everyday lives. Hence, it is a key topic to learn in French just like any other language. Be it knowing when to meet a friend or when to reach a venue for a job interview, you need the knowledge of time. So, in this blog, we will teach you how you can tell time in French. 


You will learn about telling time as per the 24-hour clock and 12-hour clock, and how to express time in fractions. So, let’s begin our discussion on telling time in French without any further ado. 

Asking Time in French

Let’s begin by learning how you can go about asking time in French. We have shown below the casual and formal ways to ask for time in the language. Choose the appropriate tone depending on the situation. For instance, you can use a casual tone for your friends and family members. On the other hand, you will use a formal tone for strangers. 

Casual Toneest quelle heure ? (What time is it?)
Formal ToneQuelle heure est-il, s’il vous plait? (What is the time, please?)
Tone With a Close FriendT’as l’heure ? (What’s the time?)

Also Read: Counting From 1 to 100: A Journey in French Numbers

Telling Time in French: 24-Hour Clock

Time in French is based on the 24-hour clock, while in English, the 12-hour clock is more frequently used. We measure time mainly with hours, minutes, and seconds: Une heure/ les heures (hour/ hours), Une minute/ les minutes (minute / minutes), and Une seconde/ les secondes (second / seconds).

Before Noon Hours

Let’s see how we describe the before noon hours in French:

Time in English Time in French
One o’clockune heure
Two o’clockdeux heures
Three o’clocktrois heures
Four o’clockquatre heures
Five o’clockcinq heures
Six o’clocksix heures
Seven o’clocksept heures
Eight o’clockhuit heures
Nine o’clockneuf heures
Ten o’clockdix heures
Eleven o’clockonze heures
Twelve o’clockdouze heures/ il est midi

Afternoon Hours

Let’s see how we describe the afternoon hours in French: 

Time in English Time in French
One o’clocktreize heures
Two o’clockquatorze heures
Three o’clockquinze heures
Four o’clockseize heures
Five o’clockdix-sept heures
Six o’clockdix-huit heures
Seven o’clockdix-neuf heures
Eight o’clock.vingt heures
Nine o’clockvingt et une heures
Ten o’clockvingt-deux heures
Eleven o’clockvingt-trois heures
Twelve o’clockminuit

Adding Minutes 

You easily add minutes to the time by mentioning the number of minutes after the hour, as shown in the examples below. 

Example in FrenchMeaning
2 heures et cinquante-cinq minutes2:55am
neuf heures trente9:30am
dix-sept heures et quinze5:15pm

Telling Time in French: 12-Hour Clock

Discussing time in French with the 12-hour clock is similar to discussing it with the 24-hour clock, however, you have to indicate clearly if you are talking about before noon or afternoon. See below some vocabulary that will help you indicate the time of the day. 

In the morningdu matin
In the afternoonde l’après-midi
In the eveningdu soir
Noon (12pm)midi
Midnight (12am)minuit

Fractions of Time

There are several ways to express time as fractions in French with the 12-hour clock, as shown in the examples below. 

For 15 minutes before the hour moins le quart
For 15 minutes past the houret quart
For 30 minutes past the houret demie

Also Read: The Ultimate Guide to French Nouns For Beginners

Time in French Quiz: Test Your Knowledge

Check your knowledge of time in French by answering the following questions. 

Q1 – True or False: You can describe three o’clock (before noon) as quinze heures in French. 

Q2 – Fill in the Blank: In French, 9:30am can be described as  _________.

Q3 – Match the following times in French with their correct meaning in English:

a) One o’clock (Before Noon)1. vingt et une heures
b) Two o’clock (Before Noon)2. vingt-trois heures
c) Eleven o’clock (Afternoon)3. deux heures
d) Nine o’clock (Afternoon)4. une heure

Q4 – True or False: You can describe 5:15pm as dix-sept heures et quinze in French. 

Answers: A1 – True, A2 – neuf heures trente, A3 – a): 4; b): 3; c): 2; d) 1, A4 – True

Relevant Reads:

Mastering French Pronouns: A Complete GuideBeyond Salut: Introducing Yourself in French As A Beginner
50+ Basic French Language Words You Need to Know Before Getting StartedArticles in French Made Easy: A Cheat Sheet for Beginners
Verbs in French: Check Out The List of Common French VerbsA-Z with Ease: Learn the French Alphabet with Pronunciation Like a Breeze!


Q.1 How do you say 12:45 in French?

Answer: The French translation of 12:45 (quarter to one) is une heure moins le quart. 

Q.2 How do you say 18:45 in French? 

Answer: The French translation for 18:45 (quarter to seven) is sept heures moins le quart.

Q.3 Does France use a 24-hour clock?

Answer: Yes, time in French is based on the 24-hour clock, while in English, the 12-hour clock is more frequently used.

And we are done with the time in French. Explore Leverage Edu’s study abroad resources for more educative blogs on the French language daily. Ready, set, lingo!

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