
Check Out List of Animals in French: From Wild Animals to Pets 

4 minute read

Knowing how to spell animals in French is a crucial part of the learning process just like in any other language. Whether visiting a zoo with your francophone friends or engaging in a fun conversation with an animal lover, knowing how to say animal names in French will come in handy. 

In this blog, we will talk about how you can spell creatures ranging from wild to aquatic animals in the Gallic language. Now, let’s dive right into the discussion without any further delay. 

Farm Animals in French

Let’s begin our feathery, furry, and scaly blog with farm animals. See how you can spell farm animals in French in the table below. We have shown their singular, plural, male, and female names. 

English NameFrench Name (Singular, Plural)French Name (Male, Female)
Cow/BullSingular: (La) vachevahsh
Plural: Chevauxshuh-voh
Male: Taureau, boeuftuh-ruh
Female: Vachevahsh
HorseSingular: (Le) chevalshuh-vall
Plural: Chevauxshuh-voh
Male: Étaloneh-tah-lon
Female: Jumentju-muhn
PigSingular: (Le) cochoncoo-shohn
Plural: Cochonscoo-shohn
Male: Cochoncoo-shohn
Female: Truietruwee
DonkeySingular: (L’)âneahn
Plural: Ânesahn
Male: Âneahn
Female: Ânessean-esse
GoatSingular: (La) chèvresheh-vruh
Plural: Chèvressheh-vruh
Male: Boucbook
Female: Chèvresheh-vruh
SheepSingular: (Le) moutonmoo-tohn
Plural: Moutonsmoo-tohn
Male: Moutonsmoo-tohn
Female: Brebisbreh-bee
DuckSingular: (Le) canardcah-nar 
Plural: Canardscah-nar
Male: Canardcah-nar
Female: Cânecanh
ChickenSingular: (Le) pouletpoo-lay
Plural: Pouletspoo-lay
Male: Coqcock
Female: Poulepool
RabbitSingular: (Le) lapinlah-pahn
Plural: Lapinslah-pahn
Male: Lapinlah-pahn
Female: Lapinelah-peen
TurkeySingular: (La) dindedahnd
Plural: Dindesdahnd
Male: Dindondahn-dohn
Female: Dindedahnd

Also Read: The Ultimate Guide to French Nouns For Beginners

Wild Animals in French

Now, it’s time to navigate the jungle of French animal vocabulary. From the king of the jungle to gigantic tuskers, let’s begin our safari and see how we spell wild animals in French, as shown below. 

English NameFrench Name (Singular, Plural)French Name (Male, Female)
TigerSingular: (Le) tigretee-gruh
Plural: Tigrestee-gruh
Male: Tigretee-gruh
Female: Tigressetee-gres
LionSingular: (Le) lionlee ohn
Plural: Lionslee-ohn
Male: Lionlee-ohn
Female: Lionnelee-uhn
ElephantSingular: (L’)éléphantay lay-fohn
Plural: Éléphantsay lay-fohn
Male: Éléphantay lay-fohn
Female: Éléphanteay-lay-fohnt
HippopotamusSingular: (L’)hippopotameee-poh-poh-tahm
Plural: Hippopotamesee-poh-poh-tahm
Male: Hippopotamesee-poh-poh-tahm
Female: Hippopotameee-poh-poh-tahm
GiraffeSingular: (La) girafegee-rahff
Plural: Girafesgee-rahff
Male: Girafegee-rahff
Female: Girafegee-rahff
RhinocerosSingular: (Le) rhinocérosree-noh-sair-os
Plural: Rhinocérosree-noh-sair-os
Male: Rhinocérosree-noh-sair-os
Female: Rhinocérosree-noh-sair-os
MonkeySingular: (Le) singesanj
Plural: Singessanj
Male: Singesanj
Female: Guenonguh-nohn
ZebraSingular: (Le) zèbrezeh-bruh
Plural: Zèbreszeh-bruh
Male: Zèbrezeh-bruh
Female: Zebrellezeh-brelle
CrocodileSingular: (Le) crocodilekroe-koe-deel
Plural: Crocodileskroe-koe-deel
Male: Crocodilekroe-koe-deel
Female: Crocodilekroe-koe-deel
BearSingular: (L’)oursoors
Plural: Oursoors
Male: Oursoors
Female: Oursonneoors-uhn

Aquatic Animals in French

Let’s begin exploring the magnificent aquatic animals in French as we get out of the safari and dive into the depths of the stunning ocean. From whale to jellyfish, see below how you can spell these beautiful creatures in the Gallic language. 

English NameFrench Name (Singular, Plural)French Name (Male, Female)
FishSingular: (Le) poissonpwah-ssohn
Pural: Poissonspwah-ssohn
Male: Poissonspwah-ssohn
Female: Poissonspwah-ssohn
WhaleSingular: (La) baleinebell-ehn
Pural: Baleinesbahl-ehn
Male: Baleinebahl-ehn
Female: Baleinebahl-ehn
DolphinSingular: (Le) dauphinDo-fahn
Pural: Dauphinsdo-fahn
Male: Dauphindo-fahn
Female: Dauphindo-fahn
SealSingular: (Le) phoquefawk
Pural: Phoquesfawk
Male: Phoquefawk
Female: Phoquefawk
Polar bearSingular: (L’)ours blancoors blah-unk
Plural: Ours blancsoors blah-unk
Male: Ours blancoors blah-unk
Female: Oursonne blancheOors-uhn blah-unk
SharkSingular: (Le) requinri-kahn
Plural: Requinsreuh-kahn
Male: Requinreuh-kahn
Female: Requinreuh-kahn
PenguinSingular: (Le) pingouinpehn-gwahn
Plural: Pingouinspehn-gwahn
Male: Pingouinpehn-gwahn
Female: Pingouinepehn-gwin
JellyfishSingular: (La) médusemay-dooz
Plural: Médusesmay-dooz
Male: Médusemay-dooz
Female: Médusemay-dooz
SquidSingular: (Le) calamarkal-ah-mahr
Plural: Calamarskal-ah-mahr
Male: Calamarkal-ah-mahr
Female: Calamarkal-ah-mahr
PenguinSingular: (Le) pingouinpehn-gwahn
Plural: Pingouinspehn-gwahn
Male: Pingouinpehn-gwahn
Female: Pingouinepehn-gwin

Pet Animal Names in French

It’s time to talk about our best friends in the French vocabulary. See the table below to learn how you can spell pet animals in French. We have provided the singular, plural, male, and female names of the furry ones. 

English NameFrench Name (Singular, Plural)French Name (Male, Female)
DogSingular: (Le) chienshee-ehn
Plural: Chiensshee-ehn
Male: Chienshee-ehn
Female: Chienneshee-en
CatSingular: (Le) chatshah
Plural: Chatsshah
Male: Chatshah
Female: Chatteshat
HamsterSingular: (Le) hamsteram-stair
Plural: Hamstersam-stair
Male: Hamsteram-stair
Female: Hamsteram-stair
GoldfishSingular: (Le) poisson rougepwah-ssohn-rooge
Plural: Poissons rougespwah-ssohn-rooge
Male: Poisson rougepwah-ssohn-rooge
Female: Poisson rougepwah-ssohn-rooge
Guinea pigSingular: (Le) cochon d’Indecoo-shohn dande
Plural: Cochons d’Indecoo-shohn dande
Male: Cochon d’Indecoo-shohn dande
Female: Cochon d’Indecoo-shohn dande
FerretSingular: (Le) furetfyoo-ray
Plural: Furetsfyoo-ray
Male: Furetfyoo-ray
Female: Furetfyoo-ray
ParrotSingular: (Le) perroquetpair-rho-kay
Plural: Perroquetspair-rho-kay
Male: Perroquetpair-rho-kay
Female: Perroquetpair-rho-kay

Also Read: Counting From 1 to 100: A Journey in French Numbers

Animals in French Quiz: Test Your Knowledge

Check your knowledge of animal names in french by answering the following questions. 

Q1 – True or False: The singular French name for Fish is (Le) poisson


Q2 – Fill in the Blank: In French, the male Lion is called  _________.

Q3 – Match the following animals with their correct name in French:

a) Horse1. Male: Lapinlah-pahn
b) Rabbit2. Female: Lionnelee-uhn
c) Lion3. Singular: (Le) chevalshuh-vall
d) Shark4. Plural: Requinsreuh-kahn

Q4 – True or False: In French, the male duck is Canard cah-nar. 

Answers: A1 – True, A2 – Lion lee-ohn, A3 – a): 3; b): 1; c): 2; d) 4, A4 – True

Relevant Reads:

Articles in French Made Easy: A Cheat Sheet for Beginners50+ Basic French Language Words You Need to Know Before Getting Started
Beyond Salut: Introducing Yourself in French As A BeginnerMastering French Pronouns: A Complete Guide
Verbs in French: Check Out The List of Common French VerbsA-Z with Ease: Learn the French Alphabet with Pronunciation Like a Breeze!


Q.1 What do you call an animal in French?

Answer: Animals in French are called animaux. 

Q.2 What are wild animals called in French?

Answer: Wild animals are called animaux sauvages in French. 

Q.3 What is a lion in French?

Answer: Here’s how a lion is spelt in French:
1. Singular: (Le) lion lee ohn
2. Plural: Lions lee-ohn
3. Male: Lion lee-ohn
4. Female: Lionne lee-uhn

And we are done with the animals in French. Explore Leverage Edu’s study abroad resources for more educative blogs on the French language daily. Ready, set, lingo!

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