
IELTS Daily Essay Topic: Schools are no longer necessary because children can get so much information available through the Internet.

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IELTS Daily Essay Topic: Schools are no longer necessary because children can get so much information available through the Internet.

Brainstorming Ideas

a) I agree with the statement that children can acquire information through the Internet in the comfort of their homes than they can at school as it helps children explore and learn about certain topics in more depth at their own pace. 


b) Traditional schools follow a standardized curriculum but in home-based learning, one can customise it according to the student’s learning style. 

c) Traditional learning is a passive one where the students have to listen to the teacher but in online learning, various interactive elements make learning engaging.

d) In online learning students get to learn from experts all around the world, access up-to-date information and gain exposure to diverse perspectives.

e) To conclude, schools have been the hub of education for children, and the Internet has the potential to revolutionise learning. 

Q. Schools are no longer necessary because children can get so much information available through the Internet, and they can study just as well at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Ans: In the modern world, the advent of the internet has completely changed the way people access information. It is often stated that traditional schools have become redundant, as children can now acquire a vast range of knowledge at home with the help of the Internet and study more efficiently than in schools. I agree with this statement for various reasons.

The internet provides abundant resources for learning. Websites, online courses and educational videos offer a wide array of information virtually on every subject that is required for students to know more about. This helps children to explore and learn about certain topics in more depth, that they are intrigued by, at their own pace. 

Moreover, the flexibility of online learning enables students to study whenever and wherever they want, which leads to a more effective and efficient learning process. In contrast, traditional schools follow a standardized curriculum which may not cater to every student’s learning needs. But when it comes to home-based learning, one can customise it according to the student’s learning style and pace.

Furthermore, traditional classroom teaching often involves passive learning where the students have to listen to a lecture. On the other hand, online learning incorporates interactive elements such as quizzes, discussion forums, and project-based learning.  This not only makes learning engaging but also promotes active learning. 

Also, the internet provides global perspectives on a subject which is not available in a traditional schooling environment. Students get to learn from experts all around the world, access up-to-date information and gain exposure to diverse perspectives. This global and contemporary learning experience enhances the understanding of students, helping them prepare for the globalized world. 

In conclusion, while schools have been the hub of education for children, the Internet has the potential to revolutionise learning. By harnessing the power of the internet, a more flexible, personalized and globally connected learning experience is provided to all children. 


Paraphrased Statement: In the modern world, the advent of the internet has completely changed the way people access information. It is often stated that traditional schools have become redundant, as children can now acquire a vast range of knowledge at home with the help of the Internet and study more efficiently than in schools.

Thesis Statement:  I agree with this statement for various reasons.

 Body Paragraph 1-Topic Sentences:  The internet provides abundant resources for learning.

Body Paragraph 1- Supporting Reasons and Explanations:
Websites, online courses and educational videos offer a wide array of information virtually on every subject that is required for students to know more about. This helps children to explore and learn about certain topics in more depth, that they are intrigued by, at their own pace. Moreover, the flexibility of online learning enables students to study whenever and wherever they want, which leads to a more effective and efficient learning process. In contrast, traditional schools follow a standardized curriculum which may not cater to every student’s learning needs. But when it comes to home-based learning, one can customise it according to the student’s learning style and pace.

Body Paragraph 2- Topic sentence:  Furthermore, traditional classroom teaching often involves passive learning where the students have to listen to a lecture. On the other hand, online learning incorporates interactive elements such as quizzes, discussion forums, and project-based learning. 

Body Paragraph 2- Supporting Reasons and Explanations:    

This not only makes learning engaging but also promotes active learning. Also, the internet provides global perspectives on a subject which is not available in a traditional schooling environment. Students get to learn from experts all around the world, access up-to-date information and gain exposure to diverse perspectives. This global and contemporary learning experience enhances the understanding of students, helping them prepare for the globalized world. 

Conclusion: In conclusion, while schools have been the hub of education for children, the Internet has the potential to revolutionise learning. By harnessing the power of the internet, a more flexible, personalized and globally connected learning experience is provided to all children.

Vocabulary in Use

Advent The arrival of a notable person, thing, or event.
Often statedSomething that is frequently expressed or mentioned.
Vast range/Wide arrayA large variety of different things.
Abundant Present in great quantity; more than adequate.
IntriguedAroused one’s curiosity or interest.
Own paceThe speed which is comfortable for an individual.
Standardized curriculumA set of courses and their content offered at a school.
CaterTo provide what is needed or required.
NavigateTo find one’s way.
ReplicateTo make an exact copy of something.
FosteringEncouraging the development of something.
HarnessingMaking use of resources effectively.

Linkers and Connectors Used

Following are the linkers and connectors used:

  • Moreover
  • Apart from this
  • In contrast
  • On the other hand
  • For example
  • But
  • However
  • While
  • In conclusion

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