
IELTS Daily Essay Topic: In some countries, family and friends often find it difficult to spend time looking after the elderly.

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IELTS Daily Essay Topic: In some countries, family and friends often find it difficult to spend time looking after the elderly.

Brainstorming Ideas

Causes why in some countries family and friends are not able to spend time with the elderly:

  • The fast-paced nature of modern families.
  • Demanding jobs requiring substantial commitment.
  • Increasing preference for nuclear families.
  • Geographical mobility as people frequently move away from their hometown. 

Possible solutions for this problem:

  • Flexible working arrangements.
  • Community-based support systems.
  • Fund programs that provide professional caregiving services.

Q.In some countries, family and friends often find it difficult to spend time looking after the elderly. What are the causes of this problem and possible solutions?

Ans. In many countries, it has become increasingly challenging for family and friends to dedicate time to look after the elderly. This issue arises from various socio-economic and cultural factors, but it is not irresolvable. By understanding the reasons for this, society can address this concern.

One of the main reasons for this problem is the fast-paced nature of modern families. Many individuals are engaged in demanding jobs requiring long hours and substantial commitment, leaving little to no time to devote to caregiving responsibilities. For example, in many urban areas where the cost of living is high, dual-income households are often necessary, leaving both partners with no spare time for elderly care. Additionally, the increasing preference for nuclear families, as opposed to extended families, means fewer family members are available to share caregiving duties. Another contributing factor is geographical mobility. In today’s globalised world, people frequently move away from their hometowns in pursuit of better education and job opportunities. This physical distance from elderly relatives makes it challenging to provide consistent care.

To address this issue, various solutions can be implemented. Firstly, governments and organisations can promote flexible working arrangements. Policies like these help employees balance their work and caregiving responsibilities more effectively. For instance, companies in countries like Sweden and Denmark offer generous parental and caregiver leave, which has been shown to alleviate some of the pressures on working adults. Secondly, community-based support systems can play a crucial role. Local governments and non-profit organisations can establish and fund programs that provide professional caregiving services to the elderly. These services can include in-home care, day centres, and respite care, which can relieve some of the burden on family members.

To conclude, the difficulty in spending time looking after the elderly stems from modern lifestyle demands and geographical mobility. However, by implementing flexible work policies, enhancing community-based support systems, and raising public awareness, societies can better support families and friends in their caregiving roles.


Paraphrased Statement: In many countries, it has become increasingly challenging for family and friends to dedicate time to look after the elderly. 

Thesis Statement:  This issue arises from various socio-economic and cultural factors, but it is not irresolvable. By understanding the reasons for this, society can address this concern.

Body Paragraph 1-Topic Sentences: One of the main reasons for this problem is the fast-paced nature of modern families. Many individuals are engaged in demanding jobs requiring long hours and substantial commitment, leaving little to no time to devote to caregiving responsibilities. 

Body Paragraph 1- Supporting Reasons and Explanations: For example, in many urban areas where the cost of living is high, dual-income households are often necessary, leaving both partners with no spare time for elderly care. Additionally, the increasing preference for nuclear families, as opposed to extended families, means fewer family members are available to share caregiving duties. Another contributing factor is geographical mobility. In today’s globalised world, people frequently move away from their hometowns in pursuit of better education and job opportunities. This physical distance from elderly relatives makes it challenging to provide consistent care.

Body Paragraph 2- Topic sentence: To address this issue, various solutions can be implemented. Firstly, governments and organisations can promote flexible working arrangements. Policies like these help employees balance their work and caregiving responsibilities more effectively.

Body paragraph 2- Supporting Reasons and Explanations: For instance, companies in countries like Sweden and Denmark offer generous parental and caregiver leave, which has been shown to alleviate some of the pressures on working adults. Secondly, community-based support systems can play a crucial role. Local governments and non-profit organisations can establish and fund programs that provide professional caregiving services to the elderly. These services can include in-home care, day centres, and respite care, which can relieve some of the burden on family members.

Conclusion: To conclude, the difficulty in spending time looking after the elderly stems from modern lifestyle demands and geographical mobility. However, by implementing flexible work policies, enhancing community-based support systems, and raising public awareness, societies can better support families and friends in their caregiving roles.

Vocabulary in Use

Pursuit Meanings
IrresolvableImpossible to solve or settle.
Fast-PacedRapid or quick-moving.
Substantial CommitmentSignificant dedication or obligation.
Dual-Income HouseholdsFamilies with two members earning income.
Geographical MobilityThe ability to move to different locations.
Persuit The act of striving for or seeking something.
AlleviateTo make something less severe or easier to endure.

Linkers and Connectors Used

Following are the linkers and connectors used:

  1. For example
  2. In addition to this
  3. Firstly
  4. Secondly
  5. For instance
  6. To conclude
  7. However

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