
IELTS Daily Essay Topic: Scientists advise people to follow healthy activities.

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IELTS Daily Essay Topic: Scientists advise people to follow healthy activities.

Brainstorming Ideas

Refer to the following brainstorming ideas to get a better understanding of the answer.


Reasons why people are not following healthy activities:

  • Lack of time as individuals often find themselves engrossed in their professional commitments.
  • The influence of digital media and technology has caused a sedentary lifestyle.

The solution to this problem:

  • By creating awareness about the long-term consequences of neglecting physical health.
  • Integrating physical activities into daily routines.
  • Limiting screen time and promoting outdoor activities.

Q. Scientists advise people to follow healthy activities but some people don’t follow them, although they know the benefits. Why this happened? And what can be done to solve this issue?

Ans. In today’s world, it is a well-known fact that scientists and health experts always advise people to engage in healthy activities for their overall well-being. Despite being aware of these benefits, a significant number of individuals do not follow these recommendations. Many factors contribute to this. However, potential solutions can enable people to lead healthier lifestyles.

One of the primary reasons why people do not follow healthy activities is lack of time. In today’s fast-paced lifestyle, individuals often find themselves engrossed in their professional commitments, which leaves them with no time for physical activities. For example, a corporate employee working for extended hours might find it challenging to take out time for exercise. Another contributing factor is the influence of digital media and technology. With the advancements in technology, people, especially the younger generation, have started to spend considerable time in their leisure on digital platforms, leading to a sedentary lifestyle. A recent study revealed that teenagers spend, on average, six hours on their devices, leaving no room for physical activities.

Addressing this issue requires a multi-faceted approach. Firstly, creating awareness about the long-term consequences of neglecting physical health could motivate individuals to include healthy activities in their day-to-day lifestyles. Health workshops should be conducted at workplaces for this. Secondly,  integrating physical activities into daily routines could be an effective solution. For example, promoting the concept of ‘active commuting’, where people are encouraged to walk or cycle to their workplaces can significantly increase their physical activity levels. Lastly, limiting screen time and promoting outdoor activities could also help in mitigating this issue. 

In conclusion, the challenge of people failing to adopt healthy activities despite their well-known benefits is indeed worrying. However, this issue can be effectively tackled through concerted efforts such as comprehensive awareness campaigns, the seamless integration of physical activities into daily schedules, and the enthusiastic promotion of outdoor pursuits. By implementing these strategies, a culture can be cultivated where healthy living becomes more than just a choice, but rather a natural and enjoyable part of everyday life.


Paraphrased Statement: In today’s world, it is a well-known fact that scientists and health experts always advise people to engage in healthy activities for their overall well-being. Despite being aware of these benefits, a significant number of individuals do not follow these recommendations. 

Thesis Statement: Many factors contribute to this. However, potential solutions can enable people to lead healthier lifestyles.

Body Paragraph 1-Topic Sentences: One of the primary reasons why people do not follow healthy activities is lack of time. In today’s fast-paced lifestyle, individuals often find themselves engrossed in their professional commitments, which leaves them with no time for physical activities.

Body Paragraph 1- Supporting Reasons and Explanations:  For example, a corporate employee working for extended hours might find it challenging to take out time for exercise. Another contributing factor is the influence of digital media and technology. With the advancements in technology, people, especially the younger generation, have started to spend considerable time in their leisure on digital platforms, leading to a sedentary lifestyle. A recent study revealed that teenagers spend, on average, six hours on their devices, leaving no room for physical activities.

Body Paragraph 2- Topic sentence: Addressing this issue requires a multi-faceted approach. Firstly, creating awareness about the long-term consequences of neglecting physical health could motivate individuals to include healthy activities in their day-to-day lifestyles. 

Body paragraph 2- Supporting Reasons and Explanations: Health workshops should be conducted at workplaces for this. Secondly,  integrating physical activities into daily routines could be an effective solution. For example, promoting the concept of ‘active commuting’, where people are encouraged to walk or cycle to their workplaces can significantly increase their physical activity levels. Lastly, limiting screen time and promoting outdoor activities could also help in mitigating this issue.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the challenge of people failing to adopt healthy activities despite their well-known benefits is indeed worrying. However, this issue can be effectively tackled through concerted efforts such as comprehensive awareness campaigns, the seamless integration of physical activities into daily schedules, and the enthusiastic promotion of outdoor pursuits. By implementing these strategies, a culture can be cultivated where healthy living becomes more than just a choice, but rather a natural and enjoyable part of everyday life.

Vocabulary in Use

EngrossedBeing fully absorbed in something that captivates the mind.
Considerable TimeA significant duration, often longer than expected.
LeisureThe time spent relaxing or enjoying when not working.
Sedentary LifestyleA lifestyle with little to no physical activity or exercise.
Multi-Faceted ApproachUsing diverse strategies to tackle complex challenges, considering various perspectives.
MitigatingUsing diverse strategies to tackle complex challenges, considering various perspectives.

Linkers and Connectors Used:

Following are the linkers and connectors used:

  1. Despite
  2. For example
  3.  Firstly
  4. Secondly
  5. Lastly
  6. In conclusion

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