
How to Start Your Blog for Studying Abroad?

3 minute read
How to start your blog for studying abroad

Studying abroad? Why not start a blog and document your journey? It is a perfect place to record all your adventures. Moreover, a  blog can also inspire students who wish to study in the same country. You can also keep your friends and family updated about the cool things that you are doing. For this reason, starting a blog is an excellent idea. Below are the 5 tips that you can use to start a blog.


Tips to Start your Study Abroad Blog

Here are 5 main tips that you can use to start your blog:

Choose a Name for your Blog

The first thing to do before starting a blog is to decide what you would like to name your blog.  Brainstorm what you would like to call it and write down the ideas. Once you are clear with the name you can then check if the URL is taken or not. Make sure that the name you have chosen is unique. You don’t want to end up with a similar name to another blog or brand.

Choose a Hosting Service 

WordPress is the popular choice for bloggers to launch their blogs. However, it isn’t completely free. You would need to choose a domain name and hosting service.  A domain name is a name that you type into the URL. This would be the name of your blog. 

A hosting service, on the other hand, records all your data and makes it accessible to the internet. There are multiple types of web hostings such as managed WordPress hosting, cpanel vps hosting, Shared Hosting, etc. You would have to purchase both.

Design your Blog for studying abroad

The next step is to design your blog. Based on what you like you can choose a simplistic theme, a bright theme, or a modern theme. It completely depends on your choice. WordPress has free themes that you can check out. However, if you would purchase a theme it would make your blog look more professional. 

Another thing, you can do is to design your header. Some themes come with a logo that you can use. Others don’t. You can make your custom logo by going to Canva or Visme. Design your header and use it for your blog. 

Write an ‘About’ Section

Everyone who is interested in your blogs will come to the about section. They would like to know who is the mastermind behind the brilliant blog. For this reason, it is crucial that you fill-up the about section. You can write about your previous experience as well as hobbies to make your bio look professional.

Start Writing

Now that you have set up your blog you can start writing. Make sure that you are posting your articles on a consistent basis. It will help you to gain traffic.  

For your study abroad blog, you can write about all sorts of topics from your experience at the university to the country you are living in. You can also share your tips for travelling and share photos to keep your blog engaging.

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