What is the Abstract Noun for Generous? Check Meaning, Synonym & Examples 

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Noun for Generous

The abstract noun of ‘generous’ is ‘generosity’ which has a couple of different meanings, one of them having the quality of giving money, time, resources, or even just kindness and forgiveness. Similar words for this word include charitable, liberal, bountiful, philanthropy, openhandedness and several others. To gain more information about the noun for generous, continue reading this blog post. 

Must Read: What are Nouns? Check Definition, Types & Examples

What is the Abstract Noun of Generous? – Meaning & Origin

Now that you have found out that the abstract noun of ‘generous’ is ‘generosity’. This word describes someone who is habitually giving and willing to share. It can also be related to more than just giving things away. It refers to giving your time, attention, or skills to help others.

The Latin word “generōsus” is the root of generosity. It refers to someone who comes from a “genus,”  which means “kin,” “clan,” or “race” in Latin.  This root, “gen,” is even older and can be traced back to the Indo-European word “gen,” meaning “to beget.”  It reflects the idea that nobility was passed down through family lines.

Also Read: What is the Abstract Noun of Poor? Check Meaning, Synonyms, & Examples

Synonyms of Abstract Noun of Generous

Upon understanding the meaning of the noun of ‘generous’ which is ‘generosity’, you must also know all the synonyms for this word. To help you, we have compiled a small list of words that can be used in place of this word. 

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Pictures of Abstract Noun of Generous

To assist you with more synonyms, check out this picture which lists more words for this word that can be used. These will help you frame creative sentences. You can save and download this picture and keep it safe for future reference. 

Noun for Generous: Synonynms of Generosity

Examples of Generous as Noun in Sentences

After you have gone through all the synonyms and other information, we have compiled a few sentences on the noun of ‘generous’ which will help you. 

  • Her generosity knew no bounds, always willing to help a friend in need.
  • A simple act of generosity, like sharing your lunch, can brighten someone’s day.
  • True generosity comes from the heart, with no expectation of anything in return.
  • The spirit of generosity thrives in communities that support one another.
  • Even the smallest act of generosity can have a ripple effect, inspiring kindness in others.

Also Read: 25 Examples of Abstract Nouns in Sentences

Noun Quiz

Check out this small quiz on the noun for generous which will help you check your understanding on this topic. 

  1. The quality of being generous.
  2. A plentiful supply given generously.
  3. The act of giving freely without expecting anything in return.
  4. The desire to do good for others, especially by donating money to charitable causes.

Check Answers!

  1. c) Generosity
  2. b) Bounty
  3. d) Openhandedness
  4. a) Philanthropy
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This was all about the “noun of generous: meaning, synonyms and examples.” Hopefully, you understand the concept and where it’s used. You can also follow Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs on Learn English.

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