Idioms for Learning: Top 8 Idioms for “Learning” You Should Know!

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Idioms for Learning

Idioms are expressions or clauses that go beyond the straightforward dictionary definitions of the words they include. If you try to take them word for word, you could have problems comprehending them because they often have cultural or historical importance. Instead, their meanings are determined by context and common usage. Following are 8 idioms that express learning, along with their definitions and use examples:

Hit the Books

Meaning: To study or read intensively, especially for educational purposes.

Example: “I have a big exam tomorrow, so I need to hit the books tonight and review all my notes.”

Learn the Ropes

Meaning: To become familiar with the basic procedures or skills of a new job or activity.

Example: “It took me a few weeks to learn the ropes at my new job, but now I feel comfortable with the daily tasks.”

Also Read: 150 Common: Difficult Idioms with Example

Pick Someone’s Brain:

Meaning: To ask someone for advice, information, or opinions to gain knowledge about a subject.

Example: “I wanted to start my own business, so I picked the successful entrepreneur’s brain about how to get started.”

Learn by Heart:

Meaning: To memorize something thoroughly, often word-for-word.

Example: “I learned the poem by heart and recited it in front of the class.”

Also Read: Idioms for Beginners

Read Between the Lines

Meaning: To understand the hidden or implied meaning in a text or situation.

Example: “The email seemed polite, but when you read between the lines, it’s clear that they’re not happy with the proposal.”

In the Same Boat:

Meaning: To be in the same difficult situation as someone else.

Example: “We’re all struggling with this complex math problem, so we’re in the same boat.”

Also Read: Idioms for Teachers

A Steep Learning Curve

Meaning: The process of learning something new is challenging and requires a lot of effort and time.

Example: “Using the advanced software has a steep learning curve, but it’s worth it for the added functionality.”

Learn the Hard way

Meaning: To learn through personal experience, often through making mistakes or facing difficulties.

Example: “I didn’t listen to the instructions and tried to assemble the furniture without looking at the manual. I learned the hard way that it was a bad idea.”

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This was all about “Idioms for learning.” Hope you understand the concept and know how to proceed. You can also follow the Learn English page of Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs related to grammar. 

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