Importance of Body Language in the Interview

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Body Language in the Interview

Abhay had been looking forward to this day for a long time. It was the day of his interview at his dream company. He dressed smartly and prepared for the most common interview questions. When he entered the room where the interview panel was seated, he greeted everyone, and the discussion began. The interview lasted about an hour, and Abhay felt that everything had gone smoothly. He was confident he would soon get a confirmation call. However, that call never came. As he reflected on the experience and shared it with his friend, he realized that his body language during the interview was not as good as it could have been.

Many people believe that preparing for common interview questions is enough to secure a dream job. You’ve waited for an interview for a long time, and your impressive resume and cover letter have finally earned you one. What comes next? Is wearing formal attire enough? Is mastering communication the only key to landing your dream job? No. Understanding the importance of body language in an interview is crucial. Read this blog to learn more about the role of body language and get the best tips from experts.

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What is Body Language and Why it is Important?

It’s important to comprehend what “body language” really means. It is a type of non-verbal communication that includes gestures, facial emotions, and other movements of the body. Body language in the interview or facial emotions may occasionally be at odds with what we are saying out loud. It is important to realize that speaking during an interview only conveys “one part” of your message; the remainder will be supported by or derived from good body language.  

Any applicant should be able to control their body language in the interview. Although your vocal response is equally crucial, interviewers pay particular attention to how composed you are when you respond to questions. Non-verbal cues are something they pay close attention to. To be given consideration for a position, you must exhibit all of the necessary conduct, including a strong handshake, a nod toward the interviewer, and eye contact. 

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Body Language that Works During Interviews

Let’s take a look at what kind of body language exactly works during interviews:

  1. Body Posture

You may portray confidence by maintaining good posture. You might look more involved and interested in the talk by sitting up straight and leaning slightly in the direction of the interviewer.

  1. Handshake

A handshake is a customary opening gesture and an effective way to build a connection as soon as you walk into a room. Make eye contact and offer a solid handshake while introducing yourself to the interviewer. When shaking hands, maintain a firm grasp to convey your confidence and self-assurance. 

  1. Eye Contact

Candidates who can readily establish and maintain eye contact are always in high demand during interviews. Maintaining eye contact does not need you to continuously fix your gaze on the individual seated in front of you. Making brief eye contact and nodding when conversing with someone helps interviewers feel at ease and conveys the idea that you are listening and not distracted.

  1. Hand Gestures

Honesty and transparency can be shown by making gestures like clasping your hands or touching your fingertips together while speaking. When you attempt to control your hand movements too much, you could come out as tense and confused. Hand motions might be subconscious. Keep your hands lightly clasped on your lap if you notice that you are making a lot of hand motions. This will not only keep you composed but also prevent you from fidgeting. 

  1. Voice Modulation

Keep an eye on your tone as well. Establishing and maintaining good communication will be aided by a confident tone of voice. Keeping your vocal tone and loudness in mind is also crucial. Keep your voice varied in pitch and energy. Monotone, low-pitched voices frequently convey disinterest or a lack of participation.  

Source: Cognitive Group | Recruiting For Your Future

Also Read: How to Be More Confident?

Do’s and Don’ts to Keep in Mind

Let’s look at some of the dos and don’ts that should be thought about before entering the interview room. 


  1. Before going into the interview, gather your thoughts. Look yourself over in the mirror and make sure you look fine.
  2. Before greeting and shaking hands with your interviewers, stand up.
  3. When introducing yourself and waving goodbye to your interviewers, use a strong handshake and maintain eye contact.
  4. Sit down, only when you have been given permission.
  5. Keep your hands above the table, sit up straight, and position yourself so that you can look each interviewer in the eye and communicate clearly to them.
  6. Positive actions like nodding, agreeing, and smiling when appropriate will help you show excitement during the interview.
  7. Keep your composure up until you are well away from the building, and only then should you take off your interview shoes, knot your necktie or relax your collar.

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  1. Rubbing or scratching the back of your neck or the top of your head. You’ll come off as uninterested, preoccupied, and uneasy.
  2. Put your hands on the table in front of you and jiggle or tap your fingers together. It will give the impression that you are easily distracted.
  3. Rub your face’s side, eyes, or nose. It will give the impression that you are deceitful or sneaky.
  4. Folding arms in front of your chest may give the impression of unwelcoming and haughtyness.
  5. Sway from side to side or slump in your chair. You’ll come out as indifferent and sluggish.
Source: UConn Center for Career Development

A person’s opinions, sentiments, and attitudes may be inferred a lot from their body language during an interview. It’s important to remember that confidence breeds positive body language. The first and most important stage in portraying the correct body language is adequate preparation. We wish you the best of luck as you prepare for your interviews with the help of our blog.  

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Ques: What is the positive body language?

Ans: A particular type of non-verbal communication called positive body language places us in a position of ease, likeability, and nobility. Additionally referred to as open body language.

Ques: What are 4 types of body language?

Ans: People often use one of four gestures to convey their body language: precise and bold, energetic and determined, soft and flowing, and light and bouncy. 

Ques: What are some of the ways to improve body language?

Ans: 5 Ways to have more confident body language are:
Maintaining Eye Contact
Don’t Fidget
Lean forward
Stand up or sit straight
Nodding occasionally.

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