50+ Sentences of Active Voice and Passive Voice and Exercises with Answers

6 minute read

50 sentences of active and passive voice: There are mainly two voices in English grammar, Active Voice and Passive Voice. The voices are used to indicate whether the subject is performing the action or is being acted upon. Both active and passive voices are an integral part of the English Language. Let’s uncover more facets around it with the help of multiple examples and references in the blog article below. 

What is Active Voice with Example?

Active Voices refer to the form of sentences in which the subject is performing the action indicated by the verb. This indicates that the subject is the doer of the action. However, active voices are typically more concise and direct as compared to passive voice sentences. They are considered more easy to read. 

Example: The dog chased the ball.

What is Passive Voice with Example?

Passive voice sentences are referred to as those sentences are formed by using the verb “to be” followed by the past participle of the main verb. In easy words, passive voice is formed in which the subject is acted by the verb, meaning, the subject is the receiver of the action. 

Example: The class was taught by the teacher.

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50+ Sentence Examples of Active Voice and Passive Voice

Here are 25 sentences in active voice followed by their respective passive voice constructions, totaling 50 sentences:

Active Voice

  1. She paints a beautiful picture.
  2. They built a new house last year.
  3. The chef prepares delicious meals.
  4. He sings a melodious song.
  5. Someone stole my bike yesterday.
  6. The company released a new product.
  7. They are constructing a bridge over the river.
  8. She teaches Spanish to the students.
  9. The storm damaged the old building.
  10. He repaired the broken window.
  11. The students completed their assignments.
  12. The gardener waters the plants daily.
  13. The police arrested the suspect.
  14. The mechanic fixed my car.
  15. She wrote a heartfelt letter to her friend.
  16. The tailor stitched a beautiful dress.
  17. The dog chased the cat up the tree.
  18. The kids painted the walls with bright colors.
  19. The company awarded her the Employee of the Year.
  20. The chef baked a delicious cake.
  21. The teacher explained the lesson to the class.
  22. The committee selected a new chairman.
  23. The earthquake destroyed the entire village.
  24. The conductor directed the orchestra.
  25. The government launched a new initiative.

Passive Voice

  1. A beautiful picture is painted by her.
  2. A new house was built by them last year.
  3. Delicious meals are prepared by the chef.
  4. A melodious song is sung by him.
  5. My bike was stolen by someone yesterday.
  6. A new product was released by the company.
  7. A bridge over the river is being constructed by them.
  8. Spanish is taught to the students by her.
  9. The old building was damaged by the storm.
  10. The broken window was repaired by him.
  11. Their assignments were completed by the students.
  12. The plants are watered daily by the gardener.
  13. The suspect was arrested by the police.
  14. My car was fixed by the mechanic.
  15. A heartfelt letter was written to her friend by her.
  16. A beautiful dress was stitched by the tailor.
  17. The cat was chased up the tree by the dog.
  18. The walls were painted with bright colors by the kids.
  19. She was awarded the Employee of the Year by the company.
  20. A delicious cake was baked by the chef.
  21. The lesson was explained to the class by the teacher.
  22. A new chairman was selected by the committee.
  23. The entire village was destroyed by the earthquake.
  24. The orchestra was directed by the conductor.
  25. A new initiative was launched by the government.

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Practice Exercises of Active and Passive Voices with Answers

Use passive voice when you want to focus on the action or when the doer of the action is unknown or less important.

To practice and be more clear about the concept of active and passive voices, we have curated some small exercises for your reference. Find them below with their answers. 

Exercise 1: Active to Passive

Change the following active voice sentences to passive voice. 

  1. The teacher graded the papers.
  2. The chef cooked dinner.
  3. The artist painted a picture.
  4. The musician played a song.
  5. The dog chased the ball.
  6. The chef cooked a gourmet meal for the guests.
  7. She wrote a beautiful poem for her mother.
  8. The gardener planted colorful flowers in the garden.
  9. The company released a new product in the market.
  10. The teacher explained the lesson to the students.


  1. The papers were graded by the teacher.
  2. Dinner was cooked by the chef.
  3. A picture was painted by the artist.
  4. A song was played by the musician.
  5. The ball was chased by the dog.
  6. A gourmet meal was cooked for the guests by the chef.
  7. A beautiful poem was written for her mother by her.
  8. Colorful flowers were planted in the garden by the gardener.
  9. A new product was released in the market by the company.
  10. The lesson was explained to the students by the teacher.

Exercise 2: Passive to Active

Change the following passive voice sentences to active voice.

  1. The papers were graded by the teacher.
  2. Dinner was cooked by the chef.
  3. A picture was painted by the artist.
  4. A song was played by the musician.
  5. The ball was chased by the dog.
  6. The project was completed by the team ahead of schedule.
  7. The book was read by her in one sitting.
  8. The mistake was acknowledged by the manager during the meeting.
  9. A decision was made by the committee to postpone the event.
  10. The message was conveyed to the employees through a company-wide email.


  1. The teacher graded the papers.
  2. The chef cooked dinner.
  3. The artist painted a picture.
  4. The musician played a song.
  5. The dog chased the ball.
  6. The team completed the project ahead of schedule.
  7. She read the book in one sitting.
  8. The manager acknowledged the mistake during the meeting.
  9. The committee decided to postpone the event.
  10. A company-wide email conveyed the message to the employees.

Exercise 3: Identifying Active and Passive Voice

Identify whether the following sentences are active voice or passive voice.

  1. The cat sat on the mat.
  2. The book was written by the author.
  3. The children played in the park.
  4. The door was opened by the wind.
  5. The teacher explained the lesson.
  6. The cake was baked by Mary.
  7. Dogs chase cats.
  8. A new song was composed by the musician.
  9. The letter was written by John.
  10. The problem needs to be solved.


  1. Active voice
  2. Passive voice
  3. Active voice
  4. Passive voice
  5. Active voice
  6. Passive Voice
  7. Active Voice
  8. Passive Voice
  9. Passive Voice
  10. Passive Voice

Also Read: Active and Passive Voice Rules for All Tenses [PDF Available]


How can I identify active and passive voices in sentences?

In active voice, the subject comes before the verb, and the subject is doing the action. In passive voice, the subject comes after the verb, and the subject receives the action.

When should I use active voice?

Use active voice when you want to emphasize the subject acting. It’s direct and often clearer.

When should I use passive voice?

Use passive voice when you want to focus on the action or when the doer of the action is unknown or less important

Hopefully, this blog was able to help you get a better understanding of Active Voice and Passive Voice Sentences. If you want to improve your grammar for English Proficiency Tests such as SAT, IELTS, and GMAT, check the courses at Leverage Live

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