What is POSH Training? Definition, Elements, Benefits

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What is POSH Training Definition, Elements, Benefits

What is POSH Training?: Sexual, Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act and Rules 2013 or POSH Act was enforced to safeguard women from sexual harassment in the workplace. Thus, it aims to create a safe and secure working environment for women across industries. Furthermore, the law aims to address registered complaints and provide adequate punishment to the accused after proper investigation. As per the law, the onus lies on the employer to create a conducive and secure workplace for its employees.

Even though the law has been in place for more than a decade now, many employees are unaware of the significance and implications of this law. Owing to this, many incidents of workplace sexual harassment go unreported. To prevent this, employers must impart awareness about POSH to their employees. To do so, they must conduct frequent POSH training awareness sessions for their employees. Therefore, to help employers conduct these sessions, we have tried to explain key aspects of POSH training through this blog. Keep reading!!

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Source: Live Law

What is POSH Training?

In this section, we will explore ‘What is POSH Training’ by introducing the key aspects of this learning and awareness opportunity.

POSH training typically refers to training related to the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) in the workplace. The goal of POSH training is to create awareness and educate employees about what constitutes sexual harassment, the various forms it can take, and the legal implications. By imparting awareness, employers aim to establish a safe and respectful working environment, free from any form of sexual harassment. 

Source: Simplilearn

What Should be Covered in POSH Training?

If you are planning to organize POSH awareness training in your organization, then you must be aware of what should be covered. To help you plan an effective training, you must keep in mind that it covers the following elements:

  • Definition of Sexual Harassment
  • Types of  Sexual Harassment
  • Overview of relevant laws and regulations on sexual harassment in the workplace.
  • Guidance on how to report incidents. The reporting channel must be clear and confidential to give confidence to victims seeking help.
  • Role of the  Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) on their roles and responsibilities.
  • Explanation of the consequences of engaging in sexual harassment, both legally and within the organization.
  • Interactive sessions to address questions and concerns.

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Source: eLearnPOSH

Why POSH Training?

After learning about ‘What is POSH Training’, it is time to explore the reasons for conducting this training. Here are some key reasons why POSH training is essential:

1. To adhere to POSH laws: Many jurisdictions have laws and regulations mandating employers to provide training on preventing sexual harassment. Compliance with these laws helps organizations avoid legal consequences and penalties.

2. To make employees understand boundaries: Also, POSH training helps employees understand what constitutes sexual harassment, including verbal, non-verbal, and physical behaviors. This awareness is crucial for preventing unintentional misconduct.

3. To promote a positive and respectful work environment: Moreover, by educating employees about the importance of respectful behavior, POSH training helps employees create a positive work environment that values inclusion, diversity, and mutual respect.

4. To support victims of sexual harassment: Furthermore, POSH training focuses on the organization’s commitment to supporting sexual harassment victims as it imparts information about complaint mechanisms. Additionally, this training imparts knowledge about available resources for those who witness or experience harassment. 

5. To protect the organization: Moreover, proper training reduces the risk of sexual harassment incidents occurring within the workplace. This, in turn, protects the organization from legal, financial, and reputational risks.

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How to Make POSH Training Effective?

Now that we have introduced the answer to the pertinent questions ‘What is POSH Training’ and ‘Why POSH Training’, it is important to explore what makes this training effective. Thus, we have enlisted the important factors that contribute to the effectiveness of POSH training.

1. Content Quality

An effective POSH training program should cover the definition of sexual harassment, types of sexual harassment, and discussion of legal aspects. Also, the organizer must include practical examples relevant to the specific industry and organization. By providing custom examples, the trainer can easily address potential risks and scenarios employees might encounter.

2. Delivery Method

Also, it is of utmost importance to design interactive and engaging training methods. This can be done by including case studies, role-playing, and discussing key elements of POSH. Furthermore, to ensure awareness of POSH among all employees, training can be delivered in multiple formats like online modules, group discussions, in-person sessions, etc. 

3. Open Communication

For the successful implementation of POSH, it is essential to create an environment where employees feel comfortable reporting incidents of sexual harassment. Thus, effective training must focus on the significance of reporting and ensuring confidentiality. 

4. Impact Measurement:

Moreover, to assess the effectiveness of POSH training, organizations must implement a feedback mechanism to seek employee input. Thereafter, employers can implement useful suggestions in their subsequent training programs. Also, with a proper feedback system, it becomes easier for employers to track and monitor sexual harassment incidents over time and minimize these cases in the future. 

5. Alignment with Policies

Finally, enterprises and other organizations must ensure that POSH training programs are aligned with the sexual harassment policies of the organization to make them effective. Also, these training programs must be aligned with the discrimination laws of the organization. 

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What are the Benefits of POSH Training?

After analysing, ‘What is POSH Training’, its significance, elements, and factors to make it effective, it is time to navigate through the benefits of POSH training. 

  • To prevent and address sexual harassment
  • To create a safe and respectful environment that helps increase productivity.
  • For risk mitigation
  • To create a discrimination-free workplace

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Q.1. When was POSH Act enacted in India?

Ans: The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act or the POSH Act came into force in 2013.

Q.2. What is the definition of sexual harassment according to POSH Act, 2013?

Ans: As per the POSH Act, sexual harassment refers to unwelcome acts or behavior such as physical contact, making sexually colored remarks, showing pornography, etc. 

Q.3. What should POSH Training Program cover?

Ans: Any POSH Training Program must cover the following elements:
1. Introduction to POSH
2. Legal Aspects
3. Role of ICC
4. Complaint Channels
5. Interactive Sessions and Q&A

Q.4.What is POSH Training for Employees?

Ans: POSH training for employees educates them on the Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the workplace, covering legal aspects, recognizing harassment, complaint procedures, and fostering a respectful work environment. It ensures awareness, compliance, and a commitment to preventing workplace harassment.

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