10 Best Words of the Day for School Assembly: 10th December, 2024

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word of the day for school assembly

Learning a new word every day comes with its benefits. It not only improves your knowledge but improves your communication skills as well. Thus, you can interact with your classmates confidently. Moreover, a strong vocabulary can help you to think critically. Therefore, we have compiled a list of the 5 best words of the day for school assembly. You can get to know its meaning, synonyms, and antonyms, and learn to use them in a sentence.

1. Breakthrough

MeaningA sudden and important discovery or achievement.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsAdvance, Innovation, Discovery
AntonymsSetback, Stalemate, Failure
Examples1. The scientist’s breakthrough in medicine saved many lives.
2. Our school’s breakthrough in sports won us the championship.
FactThe word breakthrough is often used in space exploration, such as finding water on Mars, which was a major scientific achievement!
Books That Start with Breakthrough1. Breakthrough! How Three People Saved Blue Babies and Changed Medicine by Jim Murphy
2. Breakthrough: The Adventures of a Whiz Kid Computer Programmer by Rodney W. Nichols

2. Acquitted

MeaningTo declare someone not guilty of a crime or wrongdoing.
Part of SpeechVerb
SynonymsCleared, Exonerated, Freed
AntonymsConvicted, Blamed, Punished
Examples1. The jury acquitted the innocent man after the trial.
2. The boy was acquitted of breaking the rules as he explained his actions.
FactThe word acquitted can also mean performing well, like saying She acquitted herself well in the competition.
Books That Start with Acquitted1. Acquitted: Forgiveness in a Courtroom by Tonya Craft
2. Acquitted and Innocent: Tales of Justice for Kids by Paula Rivera

3. Intimidating

MeaningMaking someone feel frightened or nervous.
Part of SpeechAdjective
SynonymsThreatening, Daunting, Overwhelming
AntonymsComforting, Friendly, Encouraging
Examples1. The large crowd looked intimidating, but I overcame my fear and spoke.
2. Facing the tall basketball team seemed intimidating, but we played confidently.
FactMany people find public speaking intimidating, but practicing in front of a mirror can help build confidence!
Books That Start with Intimidating1. Intimidating Animals and How to Face Them by Adam Stone
2. Intimidating Challenges: Overcoming Fear for Young Readers by Clara Shaw

4. Exigency

MeaningAn urgent need or demand.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsEmergency, Urgency, Necessity
AntonymsRelaxation, Calmness, Triviality
Examples1. The exigency of the situation required us to act quickly.
2. The teacher handled the exigency by organizing help for the injured student.
FactExigency comes from the Latin word exigere, which means to demand or drive out. It’s often used in emergency services.
Books That Start with Exigency1. Exigency: The Rescue Mission by Jayne Adams
2. Exigency for Heroes by William Scott

5. Hoax

MeaningA trick or lie meant to deceive others.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsTrick, Fraud, Prank
AntonymsTruth, Honesty, Fact
Examples1. The hoax about a ghost in the school was quickly debunked.
2. Spreading a hoax about someone can hurt their feelings and reputation.
FactOne of the most famous hoaxes in history was the Piltdown Man, a fake fossil that scientists believed was real for over 40 years!
Books That Start with Hoax1. Hoax: The Kids Who Fooled the World by Helen Brooks
2. Hoax Hunters: Children’s Edition by Michael Thompson

6. Surge

MeaningA sudden increase in strength or amount.
Part of SpeechNoun/Verb
SynonymsRise, Wave, Boost
AntonymsDrop, Decline, Decrease
Examples1. There was a surge of excitement when the results were announced.
2. The team felt a surge of energy as they prepared for the final match.
FactSurge is also used to describe strong ocean waves, especially during storms!
Books That Start with Surge1. Surge of the Sea: Nature’s Power by Mia Walker
2. Surge in Friendship: A Story for Kids by Linda Harper

7. Spatial

MeaningRelating to space and the arrangement of objects in it.
Part of SpeechAdjective
SynonymsGeographic, Positional, Dimensional
AntonymsNon-geometric, Non-spatial, Abstract
Examples1. Spatial awareness is important for playing sports and solving puzzles.
2. The map showed the spatial relationship between the cities.
FactAstronauts in space practice spatial awareness because they have no up or down in zero gravity!
Books That Start with Spatial1. Spatial Puzzles for Kids by Sarah Green
2. Spatial Adventures: Exploring the World by Tim Ross

8. Surreal

MeaningSomething very strange or dreamlike, almost unreal.
Part of SpeechAdjective
SynonymsUnreal, Dreamlike, Unbelievable
AntonymsReal, Ordinary, Normal
Examples1. Seeing a double rainbow after the rain felt surreal.
2. Winning the national competition was a surreal moment for the team.
FactSurreal comes from the art movement Surrealism, which includes famous paintings like Salvador Dalí’s melting clocks!
Books That Start with Surreal1. Surreal Tales for Young Readers by Anna Grant
2. Surreal Adventures in Dreamland by Lila Moore

9. Intact

MeaningNot damaged or broken; complete.
Part of SpeechAdjective
SynonymsUndamaged, Whole, Unbroken
AntonymsBroken, Damaged, Incomplete
Examples1. The statue remained intact even after the storm.
2. The family was happy that their traditions stayed intact over the years.
FactThe word intact is often used in archaeology to describe ancient objects found in perfect condition!
Books That Start with Intact1. Intact Treasures of History by Laura James 2. Intact: A Journey to Preservation by Emily Ford

10. Camaraderie

MeaningA feeling of friendship and trust among a group.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsFriendship, Companionship, Fellowship
AntonymsHostility, Isolation, Rivalry
ExamplesBooks That Start With Camaraderie
FactThe word camaraderie comes from the French word camarade, meaning comrade or roommate!
Books That Start with Camaraderie1. Camaraderie: A Tale of Friendship by Sophia Lane
2. Camaraderie Chronicles for Kids by Rachel Young

Quote of the Day for School Assembly with Meaning

This quote means that you will be safe in your comfort zone. However, in the comfort zone, there is no growth. Just like a ship that is meant for sailing, you are also meant for more. Thus, you must leave your comfort zone and explore things.

These are the 5 Best Words of the Day for School Assembly: 10 December 2024. Want to find out new words for each day?  Check out our word of the day page. 

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