Essay on Friendship: Samples in 100, 150, 200, 300 Words

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Essay on Friendship

Friendship is a lovely connection that survives on pure love and care, free from demands. It is known through respect, support, open communication, shared joys, empathy and unwavering presence. True friends cherish and express this bond in countless meaningful ways. Mentioned below are the essay on friendship that you can write in your school assignments to express gratitude towards them.

Essay on Friendship in 100 Words

Everybody needs friends in their life because friendship fills that gap of proper understanding that at some point even our family fails to meet. Whenever challenges come up in life, this friendship becomes a path to overcome those challenges and boosts us toward progress. In the dark and bleak world of reality, friendship fills vibrant and vivid colours of life, enthusiasm and motivation. Every occasion becomes extra happy when celebrated with that special circle of friends. Every moment spent and lived with your friends, be it sad or happy, dull or motivating, shapes us into who we are. It also helps us see the good in life. 

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Essay on Friendship in 150 Words

Friendship is a special bond between two people. True friends support and care for each other. They stand by us in good and bad times. Friendship is built on trust, love, and honesty. A good friend always encourages and helps us grow.

Friends bring happiness and make life joyful. They listen to our problems and share our joys. In tough times, true friends never leave our side. They guide us when we make mistakes. Friendship teaches kindness, patience, and respect.

It is important to choose friends wisely. A good friend makes us better, while a bad friend can lead us astray. Friendship is not about wealth or looks; it is about understanding and loyalty.

A true friend is a priceless gift. We should cherish and respect our friends. A strong friendship lasts forever and makes life beautiful.

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Essay on Friendship in 200 words

Friendship is something exceptional. Whenever life gets rough, one thing that we can always rely on is our friendship. We know that we have our friends to support us through the tough times in life. Not only that, friendship is such a deep-rooted emotion that our friends can figure out that something is bothering us by just looking at our faces. And they, just by having a thoughtful talk with us, have the strength to make all the bothering go away in a snap. This is the power of friendship. It’s more than what meets the eye. However, there are times when we have those situations in life that make us reach our limits and test us through thick and thin. 

Everything in life isn’t always smooth and happy. There are phases when even friends get into a fight with each other. But when they come out of that situation with their friendship still intact, then that bonding reaches new heights of strength.

If you have deep friendships with people, always be grateful to god for that, because not every bond of friendship lasts forever. Those people who have friends who last a lifetime are truly blessed because friendship truly is beautiful.

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Friendship Sample Essay in 300 Words

In this vast world, there are a number of people we meet every day, but there are some people who stay with us for a lifetime. The term for those people is “Friends” and the emotion that sustains them is “friendship”. The word friendship may have a particular number of alphabets, but the meaning it conveys cannot be measured in numbers. The word “friendship” is more than what meets the eye. The depth it holds in terms of emotions, bonding, trust, understanding, support, communication and much more is unparalleled. At every phase of our lives, we come across people and don’t even realize the bonds that form with time. These bonds are filled with the spirit and essence of trust, honesty, support, etc, thus becoming the pillars of friendship. 

In every person’s life, friendship plays different roles and it is something that sustains you. Now, there are basically 2 types of friends, first ones are those who are good friends while the other ones are best friends. The best friends are the ones that we share a special bond of affection and love with. They make our lives much richer and easier

In true friendship, there is no place for judgment. True friends can share anything they are feeling without the fear of being judged by the other. To put it simply, we can say that true friendship gives us a reason to become even stronger in life.

Friendship makes us stronger in all aspects. No matter how much we fight with our friends, we always come back to them. This is what teaches us to understand and be patient. Without any doubt, we can conclude that there is nothing out there that is nearly as beautiful, and as strong as friendship. Lucky are those who have this blessing in their life. Forever cherish it. 

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What is true friendship?

True friendship is one where there is mutual respect, good communication, honesty and trust. When you know that no matter what, you can rely on your friend and that friend has got your back in every situation. 

What is friend full form?

The full form of “FRIEND” is” Few Relations In Earth Never Die”.

What is friendship in 100 words?

The word “friendship” is more than meets the eye. The depth it holds in terms of emotions, bonding, trust, understanding, support, communication, and much more is unparalleled. At every phase of our lives, we come across people and don’t even realize the bonds that get forged with time. The power of friendship is such that it can turn a dull day into a really happy one. Every moment spent and lived with your friends, be it sad or happy, dull or motivating, shapes us into who we are. If you have deep friendships with people, always be grateful to god for that. Those people who have friends who last a lifetime are truly blessed because friendship truly is beautiful. 

Hence, we hope that this blog has assisted you in comprehending what an essay on friendship must include. For more about essay writing, follow Leverage Edu now!!

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