15 Interesting Facts About Amazon Forest: Lungs of the Earth

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Interesting Facts About Amazon Forest

The Amazon Rainforest is among the most valuable and beautiful treasures of our planet. It is easy to become captivated by its beauty even if you take a look at its pictures and videos. Moreover, it is home to a wide variety of plants, animals, and trees. The Amazon Rainforest is also beneficial to stabilise Earth’s climate and provide food, water, and shelter to indigenous tribes. However, it has slowly started to degrade due to deforestation and other factors. Thus, we must educate ourselves and the younger generations to take action to restore its health. In this blog, you will read some interesting facts about the Amazon Forest for kids.

Amazing Fun Facts About Amazon Forest

1. The Amazon Rainforest is responsible for producing about 20% of the oxygen produced on land. 

2. It is the world’s largest tropical rainforest. 

3. The forest spans 9 countries including Suriname, Columbia, Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela, French Guiana, Peru, Ecuador, Guyana, and French Guiana.

4. The Amazon is home to 10% of known species on our planet, making it the world’s one of the richest ecosystems.

5. More than 400-500 different indigenous groups live in the Amazon Forest. 

6. Estimates suggest that about 300 Indigenous languages are spoken throughout the forest. 

7. Due to the thick canopies, many parts of the forest have almost black forest floors as only 1% of sunlight can actually make it through. 

8. It absorbs about 7.6 billion metric tons of carbon every year. 

9. In the last 60 years, more than 13 percent of the Amazon Rainforest has been deforested. 

10. Persistent deforestation could transform this rainforest into a dry savanna.

11. Protecting the Amazon rainforest can help fight climate change to an extent alongside providing other benefits such as providing fresh air and filtering water. 

12. The Amazon rainforest is not ideal for agriculture due to the less mineral content in its soil. 

13. The river Amazon is the second longest river in the world. 

14. Major wildlife of the Amazon rainforest include jaguar, capybara, red deer, manatee, types of monkeys, and several types of rodents. 

15. The most common varieties of trees found in the Amazon rainforest include palm, rosewood, rubber tree, Brazil nut, myrtle, and laurel. 

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What are 5 interesting facts about the Amazon rainforest?

5 interesting facts about the Amazon Rainforest are that it is the world’s largest tropical rainforest, it produces about 20% oxygen produced on land, it houses about 10% of known species, it absorbs about 7.6 billion metric tons of carbon every year, and lastly, palm, rosewood, and Brazil nut are some of its common trees.

What is special about the Amazon forest?

One special thing about the Amazon rainforest is that it is the world’s largest rainforest and river system. It is home to thousands of species, most of which are still undescribed. 

Why is the Amazon forest mysterious?

The Amazon forest is considered mysterious because of its wide variety of flora and fauna, indigenous tribes, and a complex structure of thick canopies that make the forest floor completely dark even during the day.

Hope you had fun reading these interesting facts about the Amazon Forest. If you like reading about facts, you can visit our interesting facts page to read more such blogs.

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