
Study Abroad: Revealing Data of International Students for Migrating in New Country

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Study Abroad: Revealing Data of International Students for Migrating in New Country
Study Abroad: Revealing Data of International Students for Migrating in New Country
New data claims that the economic benefit of foreign students to the United Kingdom increased from £31.3 billion (US$39 billion) to £41.9 billion between 2018–19 and 2021–22, bolstering the arguments of higher education stakeholders desperate to stop the Conservative government from cracking down on international students and their dependents.

The decision was made as rumors grow that the United Kingdom’s expected net migration data, which are due out next week. This will show an increase from 500,000 to over 700,000.


The British government’s own international education policy, which sought to increase the number of overseas students. From 4,85,000 in 2018–19 to 600,000 by 2030. Also, increasing the value of education exports to £35 billion, has been a major contributor. Especially to the tremendous expansion in recent years.

This recruitment goal was easily met as foreign student numbers surpassed 6,00,000 eight years. Early thanks to the British government’s easing of student visa requirements and introduction of a two-year post-study job graduate route.

As per University World News reported in February. What was once a cause for celebration in both government circles and the higher education community. Since this has turned toxic and sparked a briefing war between Education Secretary Gillian Keegan. Also, advocates for rising international student enrollment in the UK. Also, the divisive right-wing Home Secretary Suella Braverman and her backers who want to reduce immigration to the UK.

To know more about Study in UK check this out Euro 41.9 Billion; Booming Effect by Overseas Students

Regaining control over immigration was a major theme of the Brexit referendum campaign in 2016. Moreover, 7,00,000 would be a significant increase above the 2,71,000. As committed by the Conservatives at the time of the last election in 2019.

The Benefits and Costs of International Higher Education Students to the UK Economy. A timely new report that provides plenty of “ammunition”. About the value of international students and their crucial role in leveling up the economy. In every region of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. It was released on Tuesday, May 16, more by chance than by design.

Value for every UK citizen

This is the third iteration of study conducted by London Economics for the Kaplan International Pathways, Universities UK International, and Higher Education Policy Institute. It provides estimates of the worth of international students to each of the 650 UK parliamentary constituencies for the first time.

This demonstrates that the average net economic contribution to the UK economy per parliamentary constituency is around £58 million. Or £560 per member of the resident population. The constituency with the highest value per resident is Glasgow Central in Scotland. Where it is estimated that the economic value of international students is worth £292 million to the constituency, or £2,720 per resident. Nick Hillman, head of the Higher Education Policy Institute and a former special advisor to David Willets when he was a Conservative minister, spoke at a gathering to announce the findings on May 16.

Home Office Declaration

The Home Office, according to a spokesperson, does publish data on dependents. But the links to its websites she provided to University World News did not function. Also, the link to an Excel sheet said the statistics for the upcoming immigration system would be updated on May 25, 2023. However, would not include data for the previous quarter. Additionally, she sent out an email with a statement that read: “The public has a right to expect us to regulate our borders, and we are still dedicated to lowering net migration overall while making sure we have the skills our economy and public services require.

In order to maintain a balance between allowing those who contribute to the UK’s academic institutions to stay and eventually reducing net migration overall. We constantly assess all of our immigration regulations. Our points-based system is intended to be flexible in response to the demands of the UK. Including luring top-tier talent from around the globe to contribute to the UK’s stellar academic reputation and maintain the competitiveness of our universities on the global arena. “Higher education providers make their own decisions about where to focus their recruitment of international students. “The government constantly says, “but we will always consider all options to ensure that the immigration system is delivering for the British people, including looking at the issue of student dependants.”

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