
Study Abroad in UK: University of Birmingham Continues Scholarships for Students

2 minute read
The scholarships represent an important step forward in the process of welcoming, incorporating and accommodating everyone, whatever their background, into our society. 

University of Birmingham is offering 5 sanctuary scholarships to students for undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Additionally, this year’s scheme provides full time tuition fee waiver, Euro 5,000 per year of study to help fully fund a place in University accommodation and living costs. 


Though this scheme launched last year, applications for undergraduate and postgraduate courses starting in the year 2023/2024 are now open to asylum seekers from anywhere in the world currently living in the UK. However, the deadline to apply for this is 30 April 2023. 

However, looking at the success of inaugural Sanctuary Scholarships; Professor Robin Mason, Pro Vice Chancellor (International) – University of Birmingham mentioned, we are delighted to offer five awards for students starting at the University who have sought refuge in the UK. Also, he mentioned we are committed to providing a welcoming environment for asylum seekers. 

Study in UK: University of Birmingham Continues Scholarships for Students

Moreover, he mentioned that this is for those students who cannot access student loans. Or any other sources of statutory funding available in the UK due to their residency status. 

Also, University of Birmingham continues to provide life changing opportunities to students displaced from their home country. Additionally, we are applying to become a University of Sanctuary. As creating – a culture of welcome for people who are seeking sanctuary within, and beyond our campus. 

 However, the scholarships provided by University of Birmingham create life changing pathways for future leaders. Also, helps to deliver on our commitment to be a truly inclusive university. In a way that benefits the entire global community of professional staff, educators and learners. Also, potential staff can sign up online. 

To discover more news updates like this one, visit the study abroad experts at Leverage Edu.

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1 comment
  1. The scholarships are great! It’s so important to have opportunities like this for students from all backgrounds.

  1. The scholarships are great! It’s so important to have opportunities like this for students from all backgrounds.