
Exploring the 100+ Synonyms for IELTS

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Most Common Synonyms, 100+ Synonyms Words

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Synonyms play an integral role in IELTS preparation. Having said that, candidates need to improve their vocabulary before they appear in this English Proficiency Test. In this exam, the candidate’s proficiency in the English language gets tested. Read the entire blog to check out our curated list of 100+ synonyms for IELTS preparation.

100+ Important Synonyms for IELTS (A-Z Order)

Find the comprehensive list of 100 important Synonyms for IELTS (A-Z) below. The list will help in improving your IELTS vocabulary for all sections of the examination.

AdvantageBenefit, Merit, Positive Aspect, Strength, Upside
BadPoor, Inferior, Awful, Terrible, Horrible
BeautifulAttractive, Gorgeous, Stunning, Elegant, Exquisite
BeginStart, Commence, Initiate, Launch, Open
BigLarge, Huge, Massive, Gigantic, Enormous
BoringDull, Monotonous, Uninteresting, Tedious, Tiresome
BuildConstruct, Develop, Assemble, Create, Manufacture
BuyPurchase, Acquire, Obtain, Procure, Invest in
ChangeModify, Alter, Transform, Adjust, Revise
CheapAffordable, Inexpensive, Budget-friendly, Low-cost, Economical
CleanNeat, Tidy, Spotless, Hygienic, Sanitary
ContinueProceed, Keep going, Carry on, Persist, Endure
CryWeep, Sob, Shed tears, Mourn, Wail
DangerousRisky, Hazardous, Perilous, Unsafe, Threatening
DecreaseDecline, Reduce, Drop, Diminish, Shrink
DestroyRuin, Wreck, Demolish, Annihilate, Obliterate
DevelopGrow, Progress, Advance, Expand, Improve
DifficultHard, Tough, Challenging, Complex, Complicated
DisadvantageDrawback, Shortcoming, Negative Aspect, Weakness, Downside
DislikeHate, Detest, Despise, Abhor, Loathe
DrinkSip, Gulp, Swallow, Chug, Imbibe
EatConsume, Devour, Munch, Dine, Feast
EasySimple, Effortless, Straightforward, Uncomplicated, Smooth
EndFinish, Conclude, Terminate, Close, Wrap up
ExplainClarify, Elaborate, Define, Interpret, Describe
ExpensiveCostly, Pricey, Overpriced, Valuable, High-priced
FastQuick, Speedy, Rapid, Swift, Brisk
FeelSense, Perceive, Experience, Detect, Recognize
FunnyAmusing, Hilarious, Entertaining, Humorous, Witty
GiveProvide, Offer, Donate, Grant, Bestow
GoodExcellent, Great, Wonderful, Fantastic, Outstanding
HappyJoyful, Cheerful, Content, Satisfied, Delighted
HardworkingDiligent, Industrious, Dedicated, Persistent, Committed
HateDislike, Detest, Loathe, Despise, Abhor
ImportantEssential, Vital, Significant, Crucial, Fundamental
IncreaseRise, Surge, Expand, Amplify, Boost
InterestingEngaging, Fascinating, Captivating, Intriguing, Entertaining
JumpLeap, Bounce, Hop, Vault, Spring
LaughGiggle, Chuckle, Snicker, Guffaw, Roar
LazyIdle, Inactive, Sluggish, Lethargic, Indolent
ListenHear, Pay attention, Catch, Absorb, Tune in
LikeEnjoy, Prefer, Admire, Appreciate, Fancy
LittleSmall, Tiny, Miniature, Compact, Petite
LoveAdore, Cherish, Worship, Treasure, Idolize
NearClose, Nearby, Adjacent, Next to, Proximate
NewFresh, Recent, Modern, Updated, Innovative
OldAncient, Aged, Elderly, Outdated, Obsolete
PeopleIndividuals, Humans, Citizens, Population, Society
PoorImpoverished, Needy, Underprivileged, Destitute, Penniless
ProblemIssue, Challenge, Concern, Difficulty, Complication
ReadStudy, Scan, Review, Browse, Peruse
RelaxRest, Unwind, Chill, Loosen up, Take it easy
RichWealthy, Affluent, Prosperous, Well-off, Loaded
RunSprint, Dash, Race, Hurry, Bolt
SafeSecure, Protected, Risk-free, Shielded, Guarded
SadUnhappy, Miserable, Depressed, Gloomy, Melancholy
SayState, Declare, Mention, Express, Announce
SellTrade, Market, Exchange, Dispose of, Retail
SeriousGrave, Solemn, Sincere, Thoughtful, Important
ShowDemonstrate, Illustrate, Depict, Represent, Exhibit
SleepNap, Doze, Slumber, Rest, Snooze
SlowDelayed, Sluggish, Leisurely, Unhurried, Gradual
SmallTiny, Miniature, Compact, Diminutive, Petite
SmartIntelligent, Clever, Bright, Knowledgeable, Witty
SpeakTalk, Converse, Communicate, Chat, Express
SolutionRemedy, Resolution, Answer, Fix, Alternative
SoftGentle, Tender, Smooth, Delicate, Plush
StopHalt, Pause, Cease, Discontinue, Conclude
StrongPowerful, Sturdy, Robust, Resilient, Tough
StupidDumb, Foolish, Unwise, Idiotic, Slow-witted
SupportAssist, Aid, Help, Back, Endorse
TakeGrab, Seize, Snatch, Acquire, Accept
ThinkConsider, Ponder, Reflect, Contemplate, Analyze
TrueAccurate, Correct, Right, Genuine, Authentic
UglyUnattractive, Hideous, Unpleasant, Displeasing, Unsightly
UnderstandComprehend, Grasp, Acknowledge, Realize, Recognize
WalkStroll, Wander, Roam, March, Stride
WeakFeeble, Fragile, Frail, Delicate, Vulnerable
WinSucceed, Triumph, Achieve, Conquer, Prevail
WorkLabor, Job, Profession, Career, Occupation
WorldGlobe, Planet, Earth, Universe, Society
WriteRecord, Note down, Jot, Scribble, Inscribe
YoungYouthful, Juvenile, Adolescent, Fresh, Newborn

Useful Synonyms for IELTS Band 9

Here are 20 useful synonyms that can help you achieve IELTS Band 9, improving your vocabulary for Writing and Speaking tasks:

ulary for Writing and Speaking tasks:

AdvantageBenefit, Merit, Positive Aspect, Strength, Upside
BadPoor, Inferior, Awful, Terrible, Horrible
BeautifulAttractive, Gorgeous, Stunning, Elegant, Exquisite
ChangeModify, Alter, Transform, Adjust, Revise
CheapAffordable, Inexpensive, Budget-friendly, Low-cost, Economical
DecreaseDecline, Reduce, Diminish, Shrink, Drop
DevelopGrow, Advance, Progress, Improve, Enhance
DifficultHard, Challenging, Complex, Tough, Complicated
DisadvantageDrawback, Shortcoming, Negative Aspect, Weakness, Downside
EasySimple, Effortless, Straightforward, Uncomplicated, Smooth
ExpensiveCostly, Pricey, Overpriced, Valuable, High-priced
GoodExcellent, Great, Wonderful, Fantastic, Outstanding
ImportantEssential, Vital, Crucial, Significant, Fundamental
IncreaseRise, Surge, Expand, Amplify, Boost
InterestingEngaging, Fascinating, Captivating, Intriguing, Entertaining
ProblemIssue, Challenge, Concern, Difficulty, Complication
SmartIntelligent, Clever, Bright, Knowledgeable, Witty
SolutionRemedy, Resolution, Answer, Fix, Alternative
StrongPowerful, Sturdy, Robust, Resilient, Tough
WeakFeeble, Fragile, Frail, Delicate, Vulnerable

Synonyms for IELTS Writing Task 1

The following Synonyms will help enhance your vocabulary and make your IELTS Writing Task 1 more impressive.

Account forConstitute, Represent, Make up
ApproximateEstimate, Roughly, Around
DecreaseDecline, Drop, Fall, Diminish, Shrink
DifferenceVariation, Contrast, Distinction, Discrepancy
DramaticSharp, Significant, Steep, Substantial
FluctuateVary, Oscillate, Rise and Fall, Shift
GradualSteady, Slow, Progressive, Moderate
HighestPeak, Maximum, Summit, Topmost
IllustrateShow, Depict, Represent, Demonstrate
IncreaseRise, Surge, Grow, Climb, Escalate
LowestBottom, Minimum, Lowest point, Nadir
MajorityMost, Bulk, Main part, Larger portion
ModerateAverage, Reasonable, Fairly, Modest
PercentageProportion, Share, Fraction, Ratio
PredictForecast, Anticipate, Expect, Project
Remain stableStay constant, No change, Maintain level
SharpSteep, Sudden, Abrupt, Dramatic
SignificantConsiderable, Substantial, Noticeable, Remarkable
SmallSlight, Minor, Minimal, Insignificant
TrendPattern, Direction, Movement, Tendency

Synonyms for IELTS Writing Task 2

The following synonyms will help improve coherence and vocabulary in your IELTS Writing Task 2 essays.

AdvantageBenefit, Perk, Positive aspect, Merit, Pro
AffectInfluence, Impact, Shape, Alter, Modify
AgreeApprove, Support, Accept, Endorse, Concur
AlternativeOption, Choice, Substitute, Replacement
ChangeModify, Transform, Adjust, Alter, Adapt
CommonWidespread, Prevalent, Frequent, Usual
ConcernIssue, Problem, Worry, Matter
ConsequentlyTherefore, As a result, Hence, Thus
DisadvantageDrawback, Negative aspect, Limitation, Con
DiscussExamine, Explore, Consider, Debate
EffectiveEfficient, Successful, Productive, Impactful
EncourageMotivate, Inspire, Promote, Support, Boost
EssentialNecessary, Vital, Crucial, Fundamental
ImportantSignificant, Key, Major, Critical, Essential
IncreaseRise, Grow, Expand, Escalate, Boost
IssueProblem, Concern, Challenge, Difficulty
NecessaryRequired, Essential, Crucial, Indispensable
OpinionViewpoint, Perspective, Belief, Stance
SolutionRemedy, Fix, Resolution, Approach
SupportAssist, Help, Aid, Advocate

Synonyms for IELTS Speaking

Synonyms for IELTS Speaking will enhance fluency and improve lexical resources in your IELTS Speaking test.

AmazingIncredible, Fantastic, Wonderful, Impressive
AnnoyingIrritating, Frustrating, Bothersome, Aggravating
BadAwful, Terrible, Horrible, Unpleasant
BeautifulGorgeous, Stunning, Attractive, Lovely
BigHuge, Enormous, Gigantic, Massive
BoringDull, Uninteresting, Monotonous, Tiresome
BusyOccupied, Engaged, Hectic, Overloaded
CheapInexpensive, Affordable, Budget-friendly, Low-cost
DifficultChallenging, Tough, Complicated, Demanding
EasySimple, Effortless, Straightforward, Uncomplicated
EnjoyLike, Love, Appreciate, Relish
ExcitingThrilling, Stimulating, Exhilarating, Captivating
ExpensiveCostly, Pricey, Overpriced, High-priced
FastQuick, Rapid, Speedy, Swift
FunnyHilarious, Amusing, Entertaining, Witty
GoodExcellent, Great, Fantastic, Outstanding
HappyJoyful, Cheerful, Delighted, Pleased
InterestingEngaging, Captivating, Intriguing, Fascinating
NicePleasant, Kind, Friendly, Agreeable
TiredExhausted, Weary, Worn out, Fatigued

Synonyms for IELTS Reading 

Synonyms for IELTS Reading will help in understanding paraphrased questions in IELTS Reading passages and improve overall comprehension skills. Let me know if you need more!

AccuratePrecise, Exact, Correct, True
AdvantageBenefit, Perk, Upside, Gain
AnalyzeExamine, Evaluate, Assess, Investigate
AnswerResponse, Reply, Solution, Explanation
ChangeAlter, Modify, Transform, Adjust
CompareContrast, Differentiate, Correlate, Match
ComplexComplicated, Intricate, Sophisticated, Elaborate
ConclusionSummary, Outcome, Result, End
ConnectionLink, Relationship, Association, Correlation
DecreaseReduce, Decline, Lessen, Drop
DescribeExplain, Illustrate, Depict, Portray
DevelopImprove, Advance, Enhance, Strengthen
DifferentDistinct, Unalike, Dissimilar, Varied
EffectImpact, Influence, Consequence, Result
ExampleInstance, Illustration, Case, Demonstration
ExplainClarify, Elaborate, Define, Interpret
IncreaseRise, Grow, Expand, Boost
ReasonCause, Justification, Explanation, Basis
SupportBack up, Reinforce, Validate, Strengthen
ViewPerspective, Opinion, Standpoint, Outlook

Synonyms for IELTS Listening

Following are the Synonyms for IELTS Listening which will help students recognise paraphrased words in IELTS Listening questions and improve overall comprehension.

AccidentMishap, Collision, Incident, Crash
AdviceSuggestion, Guidance, Recommendation, Tip
AmountQuantity, Sum, Total, Volume
AnnounceDeclare, Proclaim, Broadcast, Report
AreaRegion, Zone, Territory, District
ArriveReach, Get to, Come, Appear
AssistHelp, Support, Aid, Facilitate
BusyOccupied, Engaged, Preoccupied, Hectic
CheapInexpensive, Affordable, Economical, Budget-friendly
ChooseSelect, Pick, Opt for, Decide on
ClearTransparent, Obvious, Evident, Understandable
CloseNear, Adjacent, Next to, Nearby
ConfirmVerify, Validate, Approve, Authenticate
DangerRisk, Hazard, Threat, Peril
DifficultHard, Challenging, Tough, Complex
DiscussTalk about, Debate, Converse, Deliberate
ExpensiveCostly, Pricey, Overpriced, High-priced
FastQuick, Speedy, Rapid, Swift
FixRepair, Mend, Restore, Adjust
IdeaThought, Concept, Notion, Opinion


Mastering synonyms for IELTS is essential for improving your vocabulary, enhancing writing and speaking skills, and achieving a high band score. By understanding word meanings in context, practising paraphrasing, using word lists, and engaging in active learning strategies, you can confidently replace simple words with more precise and formal alternatives. Regular practice with IELTS sample questions, word games, and collocations will further solidify your understanding. With consistent effort and smart learning techniques, you can effectively use synonyms to express ideas more clearly and fluently in the IELTS exam.


Question 1. What skills are assessed by IELTS?

Ans. The IELTS test is intended to assess your command of the English language. It evaluates the candidate’s abilities in writing, reading, speaking and listening.

Question 2. What exactly is included in the IELTS Writing section?

Ans. The Writing segment has two activities that test takers must complete. In the first task, you must describe a few visuals in your own words. In contrast, in the second activity, you will get a debate topic, or point of view to discuss.

Question 3. How long does it take to memorise the IELTS synonyms?

Ans. Candidates can revise these synonyms daily for at least 2 weeks or more.

Question 4. Which synonyms are used in IELTS?

Ans. In the IELTS exam, synonyms are commonly used to test vocabulary range and paraphrasing skills. Some examples include:

Important:  Significant, Crucial, Essential
Increase: Rise, Surge, Boost
Improve:  Enhance, Strengthen, Refine
Difficult: Challenging, Arduous, Complex
Advantage: Benefit, Merit, Perk
Disadvantage: Drawback, Downside, Limitation

Question 5. What are 50 synonyms list?

Ans. Ans. Here’s a list of 50 common synonyms useful for IELTS:

Happy: Joyful, Content, Cheerful
Sad: Unhappy, Depressed, Miserable
Fast: Quick, Rapid, Swift
Slow: Sluggish, Unhurried, Leisurely
Good: Excellent, Outstanding, Superb
Bad: Poor, Inferior, Substandard
Rich:  Wealthy, Affluent, Prosperous
Poor:  Impoverished, Destitute, Needy
Big: Huge, Enormous, Massive
Small: Tiny, Miniature, Compact
Smart: Intelligent, Clever, Bright
Hardworking: Diligent, Industrious, Dedicated
Lazy: Idle, Sluggish, Inactive
Strong: Sturdy, Robust, Powerful
Weak: Fragile, Feeble, Delicate
Cheap: Inexpensive, Affordable, Budget-friendly
Expensive: Costly, Pricey, Overpriced
Easy: Simple, Effortless, Straightforward
Difficult: Complicated, Tough, Challenging
Famous: Renowned, Well-known, Prominent
Ordinary: Common, Usual, Typical
New: Fresh, Modern, Contemporary
Old: Ancient, Aged, Vintage
Near: Close, Adjacent, Nearby
Far: Distant, Remote, Isolated
Begin: Start, Commence, Initiate
End: Finish, Conclude, Terminate
Like: Enjoy, Prefer, Appreciate
Dislike: Hate, Detest, Despise
Help: Assist, Aid, Support
Harm: Damage, Hurt, Injure
Interesting: Fascinating, Engaging, Intriguing
Boring: Dull, Monotonous, Tedious
Talk: Speak, Converse, Communicate
Listen: Hear, Attend, Tune in
See: Look, Observe, Notice
Buy: Purchase, Acquire, Obtain
Sell: Trade, Market, Exchange
Think: Consider, Ponder, Reflect
Understand: Comprehend, Grasp, Realize
Build: Construct, Create, Develop
Destroy: Demolish, Ruin, Wreck
Love: Adore, Cherish, Treasure
Fear:  Dread, Worry, Panic
Laugh: Giggle, Chuckle, Snicker
Cry: Weep, Sob, Mourn
Work: Labor, Function, Operate
Play: Engage, Participate, Enjoy
Win:  Succeed, Triumph, Achieve
Lose: Fail, Miss, Forfeit

Question 6. Is IELTS 7.0 easy?

Ans. IELTS 7.0 is considered a good score and indicates a high level of English proficiency. However, achieving 7.0 is not easy as it requires strong grammar, vocabulary, and fluency in all four sections (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking). It is achievable with proper practice and preparation.

Question 7. Is 7.5 IELTS bad?

Ans. No, an IELTS score of 7.5 is excellent! It indicates that the test taker has a very good command of English and can communicate effectively in professional and academic settings. Many universities and employers accept 7.5 as a strong qualification.

Question 8. Which IELTS is tough?

Ans. The IELTS General Training test is considered easier than IELTS Academic, especially in Reading and Writing sections.

Question 9.  Which IELTS is tough?

Ans. IELTS Academic is more challenging because it includes complex academic texts and requires advanced vocabulary and structured writing.
IELTS General Training is easier as it focuses on everyday English used in work and social situations.

Successfully preparing for the IELTS Writing Task, requires consistent practice, a clear strategy, and the right resources. By linking your responses between IELTS Writing Part 1 and IELTS Writing Task 2 , you can showcase your ability to elaborate on topics and provide insightful answers. 

If you’re finding it challenging to prepare, consider taking an IELTS Mock Test to evaluate your progress or join our offline or online IELTS classes at Leverage Edu to enhance your skills and boost your confidence, ensuring you are fully prepared for your IELTS Speaking Test and one step closer to achieving your study abroad aspirations.

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