
11 February: IELTS Speaking Topic – Speaking Part 3: Advertising (Follow-up Questions)

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Learn how to answer the IELTS Speaking Topics -- Speaking Part 3: Advice (Follow-up Questions)



Q- Do you think advertising influences what people buy?

Ans- Definitely, yes. If there was no advertisement and you visited a store, you might just buy what you desired based on what others had told you, how the goods seemed, or, based on the item, what was written on the label. People begin to trust a given product after seeing it advertised on television or elsewhere, building a brand. Additionally, we see so much advertising everywhere that it must affect us. It is continuously being fed to us in our daily lives, not only in publications, radio, and broadcast but also on billboards, TVs mounted in railroads and platforms, and even in colleges and universities. As a result, it is impossible to avoid it. Hence, advertising does affect what we buy.

Q- Is advertising really necessary in modern society?

Ans- It might be considered essential given that, as I already indicated, there are so many options available that we need somebody to advise us on what to purchase or to provide us with additional information about things. It would be challenging to get started without this. Having said that, I’m not sure if I would consider it “essential,” as I believe it could ultimately do more damage than good. Advertising encourages consumers to purchase goods they may not need, as we just described. We dwell in a consumer economy where we are urged to buy more and more, and I’m sure that advertising plays a big part in this. As a result, many individuals are drowning in debt. We might simply conduct our own investigation and determine what we actually need without advertising. Therefore, I would disagree that advertising is required in today’s culture.

Q- Do you think people take notice of advertisements on the internet?

Ans- Although there are a lot of advertisements on the internet today, from my experience I believe that most people try to disregard them. People typically use the internet to search for a certain item they are seeking or to learn about something, thus they will dismiss content that is irrelevant to those goals. But it goes without saying that some people do pay attention to them. Nowadays, the majority of businesses promote online, and they are required to pay fairly expensive rates to do so on sites with good search engine rankings. Naturally, they wouldn’t do it if it didn’t bring in business.

Q- How do you think it will change people’s buying habits in the future?

Ans- Online shopping is getting more and more common. For instance, because individuals can purchase books online from stores like Amazon at lower prices, many bookstores have closed. Given our hectic modern lifestyles, having items delivered right to our homes makes life much simpler. This, in my opinion, will only get worse as more individuals feel comfortable making purchases online and as online retailers make it simpler to do so. Additionally, I believe that as our lives become busy, more individuals will opt to shop in this manner.

Q- Are there any disadvantages to shopping on the internet?

Ans- Certainly. First of all, clothing shopping might be challenging. It is obviously impossible to accomplish this online, but when you visit a store, you can make sure the item you plan to purchase fits and flatters you. If you are required to ship something back via mail, shopping doesn’t become any less of a nuisance. Security is another issue. We must divulge our bank account information to strangers. Recently, there have been a number of press headlines concerning websites that had their safety compromised and credit card information was taken. This has been rather rare thus far, but there is a risk all the same. Another drawback is that if people don’t go shopping in their hometowns, it could lead to the demise of neighbourhood stores and companies.

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