What is the Full Form of DOTS?

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full form of DOTS

The full form of DOTS is Directly Observed Therapy. It is a short course and is also referred to as TB – DOTS. It refers to the method that is intended to treat and reduce the likelihood of Tuberculosis (TB) cases. In this method, a medical expert or professional in this field gives the prescribed TB medications to the affected patient and ensures that the patient consumes each dose as prescribed. In case a patient is left unattended, they might skip or forget to take their medication which could cause the spread of drug-resistant tuberculosis. 

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What is the Significance of DOTS?

The following is the significance of DOTS:

  • DOTS helps to avoid the spread of TB to others 
  • It reduces the chances of treatment error
  • It allows the patients to finish their treatment immediately and without a break
  • DOTS reduces the spread of drug-resistant tuberculosis
  • The method of DOTS ensures that the patients are taking their medication as prescribed and without a miss

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What are the Main Actions of DOTS?

The following are the main actions of DOTS:

  • It supplies the drugs prescribed in the DOTS method
  • Checks the side effects related to the medication prescribes
  • Ensures that the patient consumes the drug
  • Detailing the visit
  • It provides information by answering your relevant queries about TB and DOTS

Side Effects of DOTS

Patients getting treatment for latent TB infection (LTBI) or TB disease should notify their healthcare provider of any indications and symptoms of adverse drug reactions, including

  • Unaccounted for dark urine, jaundice, nausea, or vomiting (yellowing of the skin or eyes)
  • Burning, tingling, or numbness in the hands or feet that lasts a long time
  • Chronic fatigue, frailty, fever, or stomach discomfort
  • Typical bruising or bleeding
  • Eyesight alterations or blurriness

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Goals of DOTS Program

Minimizing mortality, morbidity, and disease transmission while preventing treatment resistance are the goals of DOTS TB control until the sickness is no longer a threat to the general public’s health.

Additionally, it aims to lessen human suffering and the resulting social and financial responsibilities that families and communities must bear. In order to do this, it is critical to ensure that every TB patient has access to a diagnosis, a course of treatment, and a cure.

It is also crucial to protect vulnerable populations from TB and its drug-resistant variations. The four-drug combination, which includes prazinamide, ethambutol, isoniazid, and rifampicin, is said to be the most effective medication utilized in the DOTS therapy program.

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We hope this has helped you understand the full form of DOTS and everything related to it. Do you want to know more full forms like this? Then don’t miss out on checking out our alphabetically arranged 300+ full-form list here! Enjoy reading!

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