‘Then’ Conjunction Examples with Comparison

3 minute read
Then as a Conjunction

Then is a Conjunction: In English grammar, we usually form long and complex sentences. There are a few connecting words that allow us to build bridges between two easy sentences and allow us to form fuller sentences. “Then” as a conjunction is your little sentence “bond” for indicating how concepts connect! It combines two parts of your sentence, indicating how they relate to each other. Usually, it indicates the order things happen. Let’s suppose she woke up early, and then she went for a run. (Waking up occurred first, then the run.) Let us understand two such connecting types of words Conjunctions.

20+ Examples of ‘Then’ as a Conjunction

“Then” is a versatile conjunction that can be utilised in several ways to connect ideas in a sentence. Here are 17 examples showcasing its additional uses:

  1. He awoke early, then he went for a run.
  2. The series started slow, but then it got really exciting.
  3. First, preheat the oven. Then, add the ingredients and bake.
  4. He unlocked the door and then looked cautiously outside.
  5. He studied hard, then I aced the exam.
  6. It rained all day, and then the streets flooded.
  7. The climate is lovely today, then again, it could change quickly in the mountains.
  8. I like pasta, but then again, I wouldn’t say no to a good burger either.
  9. This recipe looks easy, then again, I’m not the best chef.
  10. She seemed happy, then again, there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.
  11. We missed the shuttle, then we had to wait for an hour.
  12. He forgot my phone, then he had to call a cousin for help.
  13. They’re going to the shop? Then can they pick me up some milk?
  14. We constructed a new bridge across the river. Then, it became much more comfortable to travel between the two towns.
  15. They heard a creaking sound on the stairs… then silence.
  16. I thought I left my keys at home, then I recognised they had been in my bag all along.
  17. Procrastination can be costly. Then again, running through a task can lead to errors too.
  18. Honesty is always the best policy. Then again, there are still exceptions to the regulation.
  19. The series had some flaws, then again, the theatre was phenomenal.
  20. The bike wouldn’t start. Then he recalled I left the headlights on all night.
  21. She told me she was afraid of heights… then she saw him calmly climbing the rock wall.
  22. “Are you sure you’re ready?” he asked. Then she took a deep breath and said, “Yes, let’s do this.”

‘Than’ Vs. ‘Then’ Comparison

‘Than’ and ‘then’ are two words that have similar pronunciations but have separate meanings and spellings. Scholars often juggle between these two words. The Beneath comparison will help in resolving all the concerns about the same.

Differences‘Than’ is a conjunctionThen is an adverb
FunctionIt is used to compare two thingsIt shows what will happen next In a show, movie, or series.
IndicatesIt means contrast, comparison, seniorityIt reveals the result or the consequences.
ExampleFor Example He is taller than his elder cousin.For Example: They went to the store and went to watch a show.
Then vs Than

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What does “then” do as a conjunction?

“Then” works like a bridge, joining two parts of a sentence and demonstrating how they connect. It can express additional relationships, including time order, cause and effect, or simply adding information.

Can “then” show reason and effect?

Yes! “Then” can join events where one thing leads to another. For instance: “It rained heavily, then the power ran out.” (The rain caused the power outage.)

Can “then” show reason and effect?

Yes! “Then” can join events where one thing leads to another. For instance: “It rained heavily, then the power ran out.” (The rain caused the power outage.)

This was all about the ‘then’ conjunction examples with comparison and their usage in English grammar. Hope you understand the concept and know how to proceed. You can also follow the page of Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs.

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