Idioms for Weather: 7 Phrases to Express the Weather

3 minute read

When it comes to describing the weather, we often turn to idioms to add some colour and personality to our language. These expressions can be a fun and creative way to describe the weather conditions around us. So, why not use the metaphors and phrases like a native language speaker to express the weather changes? But to do that, we need to check these common idioms for weather that you can use to spice up your conversation.

Also Read: Understanding Idioms: Examples and Meanings

Under the Weather

This idiom is suitable to describe someone who is feeling sick or unwell. It can also be used to describe a gloomy or rainy day.

Example: I’m feeling a bit under the weather today, so I think I’ll stay home and rest.

Weather the Storm

This expression means to endure a difficult situation or period, often about a stormy weather condition.

Example: We’ve had a lot of setbacks in our project, but we’re determined to weather the storm and come out stronger on the other side.

Break the Ice

The idiom Break the ice means to make a start or break down barriers in a social situation. It can also refer to a sudden change in weather that breaks up a period of cold or frost.

Example: I was nervous about meeting my new coworkers, but a few jokes helped break the ice and make everyone feel more comfortable.

Rain on Someone’s Parade

This expression means to spoil someone’s plans or mood, often about a rainy day ruining outdoor activities.

Example: I was excited about our picnic in the park, but the sudden thunderstorm rained on our parade.

Also Read: 10 Best Idioms for Love to Express Your Heart

A Ray of Sunshine

A ray of sunshine is an idiomatic phrase that describes someone or something that brings happiness or positivity into a situation. It can also refer to a sunny day after a period of rain or gloom.

Example: My best friend always knows how to make me smile – she’s a real ray of sunshine in my life.

In the Eye of the Storm

This expression refers to a calm or peaceful moment amid a chaotic or turbulent situation, often about a storm.

Example: Even though everything around me was falling apart, I felt like I was in the eye of the storm – calm and centred.

Snowed Under 

This idiom means to be overwhelmed with work or responsibilities, often about a heavy snowfall that causes disruption.

Example: I’m sorry I haven’t had a chance to respond to your email – I’ve been snowed under with deadlines at work.

Also Read: Idioms for IELTS

All the above-mentioned Idioms for weather can add some flair and personality to your language while describing the world around us. Whether it is a sunny day or a stormy night, these expressions can help you creatively express your thoughts and feelings. So the next time you’re discussing the weather, try incorporating some of these idioms and see where the conversation takes you! To read more about idioms you can check our page at Leverage Edu.

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