Dont Put All Your Eggs in One Basket Meaning, Examples, Synonyms

2 minute read

The phrase “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” is a proverb or idiom that means you should not risk everything or depend entirely on a single thing or course of action. It advises against investing all your resources, time, or efforts in a single venture, as it leaves you vulnerable to failure or loss. 

By diversifying your investments, spreading your risks, or exploring different options, you increase your chances of success and minimize the potential impact of a single failure. It’s a metaphorical reminder to maintain balance and avoid excessive reliance on a single source.

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Usage with Examples

The idiom, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” implies that if you gather all your eggs in a single basket, there is a potential danger of dropping the basket and losing everything you have worked diligently to obtain. In contrast, the proverb advises considering different options and distributing your eggs across multiple baskets. 

This means pursuing various job opportunities or applying to multiple universities, and also saving some money as a precautionary measure, so you don’t find yourself in a desperate situation if one of your endeavors fails.

Mentioned below are some examples where you can use the idiom:

  • Instead, of applying to just one company, it is advisable to apply to multiple companies. One should not put all their eggs in one basket. 
  • One should always diversify their investments across different instruments, they should not put all their eggs in one basket. 
  • Sherry made a huge mistake by investing all her money in one company only. She should not put all her eggs in one basket. 

Synonyms and Similar Words

Mentioned below are some synonyms and related words to this idiom: 

  • Put in danger
  • Take the risk of 
  • Dont make everything dependent on one thing 
  • Dont concentrate all efforts on one area
  • Dont depend for your success on a single plan 

Dont Put All Your Eggs in One Basket Meaning Quiz

There’s a saying in the corporate world suggesting not to put all your eggs in one basket from the beginning:

  • It is better not to show your skills when the time is right.
  • It is better to show your skills when the right time comes. 
  • It is better to never show your skills even if the right time comes. 

Answer: It is better to show your skills when the right time comes.  

Also Read: Idioms for IELTS

This was all about the idiom don’t put all your eggs in one basket meaning and examples. Hope you understood the concept where it’s used. For more such blogs, follow Leverage Edu.

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