A Wet Blanket Idiom Meaning, Examples, Synonyms, and Quiz

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A Wet Blanket Idiom Meaning, Examples, Synonyms, and Quiz
A Wet Blanket Idiom Meaning, Examples, Synonyms, and Quiz

The “a wet blanket” idiom is used to refer to an individual who spoils other people’s fun. The term “wet blanket” is frequently used to describe someone who seems to be completely unfun.

A wet blanket frequently drains the enjoyment out of a space or circumstance. If you have ever been referred to as a “wet blanket,” it is time you discovered where this expression originated. The response might just astound you.

Cooks have kept damp blankets available on the kitchen floor since the 1870s in case a grease fire breaks out. Having a wet blanket on hand would allow them to swiftly put out the fire and continue with the rest of the meal, which was really rather frequent during this time. Flames may be quite thrilling, hence the term “wet blanket” was created to describe someone who always appeared to rapidly ruin the fun of a scenario. Many claim that the origins of the expression “wet blankets” go all the way back to the 1600s.

Usage with Examples 

Here are some examples of the use of “a wet blanket” idiom in sentences:

  • You can’t be such a wet blanket if you are going to my party.
  • Since his fiancée broke up with him a few weeks ago, John has been acting like a wet blanket.
  • Sally is such a wet blanket that she is never invited to events.
  • She didn’t want to be a wet blanket on such a joyous occasion, so she opted to skip the celebration despite being ill.

Also Read: Useful Idioms with Examples, Sentences and Meanings

Synonyms and Similar Words to A Wet Blanket

Synonyms of “a wet blanket” idiom are:

  • Buzzkill,
  • Drag,
  • Grinch,
  • Damper, and
  • Gouch
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A Wet Blanket Idiom Meaning Quiz

My brother is a wet blanket because:

  1. People feel good around him. 
  2. He spoils the fun of other people as he is so boring. 
  3. He is very social. 

Correct Answer: b) He spoils the fun of other people as he is so boring. 

Also Read: 150 Common Difficult Idioms with Examples 

This was all about the “a wet blanket” idiom meaning and examples. Hope you understood the concept where it’s used. For more such blogs, follow Leverage Edu.

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