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National Taiwan Normal University

Taipei, Japan



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Founded in 1946, National Taiwan Normal University is an institution of higher education and normal school in Taipei, Taiwan. The university was first established as a teacher training institute after World War II and later it was turned into a comprehensive university. National Taiwan Normal University has been recognised as one of the top 12 universities in Taiwan due to its leading research in the fields of Chinese language teaching and science education. The university comprises of three campuses, consisting of 10 colleges, including 32 departments and 22 graduate institutes offering wide range of degree programs across several disciplines including arts, education, international studies, liberal arts, management, music, science, social science, technology and engineering, sports and recreation. The university is also expanding its internationalisation by partnering up with more than 275 multinational research organisations which are highly ranked education institutions across 36 countries. The university is also pioneering in international studies by its effective international research programs. The university is best known for its Mandarin Training Centre which is highly popular among foreign students.
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