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Middlebury College

Middlebury, United States


Founded in 1800, Middlebury College is a private college situated in the heart of Vermont in Middlebury. Established by a Congregationalist, Middlebury College was the first college in the state of Vermont. Though the college had a major influence of the Church, but the administration and governance were mainly carried out by the town Father and not Clergymen. The idea was to have a Town’s college and not a Church’s college. As the number of students, faculty and research institutions increased, Middlebury College also started taking bold decision in terms of adding new buildings, administration management, programs, etc. in 1900. One of the English School of Middlebury College, the Bread Loaf School of English was established in 1920 and it soon expanded to include the Lincoln College of Oxford University. Today, Middlebury College has a number of faculties, schools and departments and offers around 47 programs at the undergraduate level in English and American literature, political science, economics, international studies, psychology, and environmental studies. Apart from this, Middlebury College also offers additional programs in the fields of international relations, international business, language teaching, and translation and interpretation in Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, California, USA, It also offers a number of international language programs in Bread Loaf School of English. Today, Middlebury College has a main campus in Middlebury which is spread on 350-acre land in Champlain Valley in Vermont. Apart from this, the university has a number of buildings spread across the Vermont and USA with residential facilities. There are total approx. 2,500 students enrolled in MC representing 50 states and 70 countries. The number of academic staff has total 320 members. The student faculty ratio stands at 1:7. According to the Forbes and THE Ranking, Middlebury College is ranked #36 and #37 in the USA.
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