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Fleming College

Peterborough, Canada

Private -1967

Established in the year 1967 at Peterborough, Ontario, Canada the Fleming college, named after the Scottish inventor Sir Stamford Fleming is also known as Sir Sandford Fleming College. The Ontario College of Applied Arts and Technology has 4 campuses under its name, the main campus being located at Peterborough (Sutherland campus), while the other three campuses include Lindsay (Frost campus), Haliburton campus, and Cobourg campus. All the campuses of the college provide state-of-art facilities and modern amenities to students including a library, sports and wellness center, indoor tracks, computer rooms, restaurants, cafe and modern laboratories equipped with latest technologies. Fleming College of Applied Arts and Technology offers over 130, full-time undergraduate and postgraduate programs across the four campuses, part-time, certificate and diploma courses, and online learning programs in popular majors of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, Art and Design, Trades and Technology, Justice and Community Development, Business, Health and Wellness. The college offers three post-secondary admission chances to international students in September, January and May. Fleming College has academic partnerships with top colleges, institutes and universities in Ontario, Canada and worldwide, to provide the best learning opportunities to the students of the college. Fleming College offers more than 2 million CAD for student scholarships and bursaries annually.
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