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Claude Bernard University Lyon 1

Lyon, France



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Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 is one of the 3 public universities in Lyon, France established in 1971. The university is home to over 45,000 students in the disciplines of Science and Technology, Sports and Health with a number of degree programs delivered in English. Being a member of the University of Lyon, the university has a strong intellectual presence in France and across the globe. With an aim to encourage consistent interaction between science and society, the university strives to continually push the boundaries of knowledge and promote global research. Its campuses, located at 11 varied sites in 4 of the main centres namely Lyon city, Bourg-en-Bresse, Saint-Etienne and Roanne town. Students get the opportunity to experience artistic sides like the Astrée Theatre and plenty of recreational activities. Claud Bernard Lyon 1 houses 2900 teachers and researchers, out of which 700 are hospital practitioners, administrative and 1800 technical staff. Being a multidisciplinary institution, it specialises in fundamental and applied research and possess exceedingly 4415 foreign published articles and 44 patents each year. Claude Bernard Lyon 1 has 65 state-financing research units operating in three different fields: Environment, Health and Material Technologies. These research units are the outcome of various laboratories.
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