Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad

 Planning to take GMAT very soon? Here is some information that will help you in the registration process! 

Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad

GMAT is conducted by Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). It is a highly taken entrance exam by students who want to pursue an MBA abroad. One can appear for the GMAT exam 5 times in a year but in a gap of 16 days. 

Let's go through the GMAT registration process in detail! 

Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad

Following are the steps that one needs to take for GMAT registration: 

Step-1: Visit the official website and register on the website.
Step-2: Create a new account and if you have an existing one, then sign-in into it.
Step-3: The next step is to fill out all the details asked like name, address, DOB, etc.
Step-4: Mention your qualifications and work experience.

Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad

Step-5: Verify all the details and then submit the form.
Step-6: Choose the nearest test center and schedule your exam. 
Step-7: Next you have to select a preferable date and time slot for the GMAT exam.
Step-8: Once you complete the above mentioned steps, submit the exam fee. 

Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad

GMAT 2023 Exam Dates

There are several GMAT 2023 sessions held each year. The GMAT 2023 test will not have a set date. When completing the application, candidates have the option to select their own exam dates. Anytime during the year is a good time to register. Candidates are free to select their exam date and format.

Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad

How to book slots for the GMAT exam?

Other than the online method there are other 2 options available for GMAT registration-
1) Phone Call-You can call the GMAT customer service, get a slot fixed, and pay the fee. 
2) Postal Mail-You can also book your slot through the mail by paying fee through cheque. 

Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad

 Tips to prepare for GMAT

1. Have a clear study plan.
2. Make yourself familiar with the format of the GMAT exam.
3. Sign-up for coaching classes while also focusing on self-study. Also, make sure to  stick to your study schedule
4. Maintain good physical and mental health.
5. Make sure you revise on a daily basis. 

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