Idioms for Work That You Should Know!

2 minute read

It’s crucial to research and learn new ways to convey your feelings and views. Your ability to speak and understand English will improve as a result of this practice. Additionally, idioms are used to convey someone’s sentiments or opinions in a certain circumstance. 

Here are some work-related idioms for your reference below. Let’s explore! 

Hit the Ground Running

Meaning: To start a new job or task energetically and effectively.

Example: “The new employee hit the ground running and quickly adapted to the team’s workflow.”

Pull One’s Weight

Meaning: To do one’s fair share of work or contribute equally.

Example: “In a team, everyone must pull their weight to ensure the project’s success.”

Also Read: Idioms for Difficult Task

Get the Ball Rolling

Meaning: To start something or initiate a process.

Example: “Let’s have a brainstorming session to get the ball rolling on our new marketing campaign.”

Bite off More than One can Chew

Meaning: To take on more tasks or responsibilities than one can handle.

Example: “I think John has bitten off more than he can chew by agreeing to lead two projects simultaneously.”

Also Read: Idioms for Teachers

On the Same Page

Meaning: To have a shared understanding or agreement about something.

Example: “Let’s make sure we’re all on the same page regarding the project’s goals before the meeting.”

Put One’s Nose to the Grindstone

Meaning: To work diligently and hard.

Example: “She put her nose to the grindstone to meet the tight deadline for the report.”

Also Read: 150 Common: Difficult Idioms with Example

The Ball is in your Court

Meaning: It’s your responsibility to take action or make a decision.

Example: “I’ve given you all the necessary information; now the ball is in your court to make the final call.”

Clock in, Clock Out

Meaning: To arrive at work and leave work at scheduled times.

Example: “We need to clock in at 9 AM and clock out at 5 PM as per the company policy.”

Also Read: Idioms for Beginners

All Hands on Deck

Meaning: Everyone is needed to help or contribute to a situation.

Example: “We have a tight deadline, so we need all hands on deck to finish the project on time.”

To read more about idioms you can check our page at Leverage Edu.

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