Importance of Effective Written Communication Skills in the Workplace

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Importance of Effective Written Communication Skills in the Workplace

Effective Written communication is one of the most demanding employability skills that are essential to survive and excel in the current job market. Most of the jobs demand basic knowledge about written communication forms like email, text messages, formal letters, e-messaging, notes, etc. To become effective in these forms of interaction, one can either enroll in online writing courses, employ online tools, or present their write-ups to colleagues or bosses for feedback. These methods will help you hone effective communication skills and grow in your industry. Thus, to help you realize the importance of effective written communication skills, we have compiled a list of reasons. Keep reading for more!!

Also Read: Learn These Communication Skills to Succeed at Work

Types of Written Communication

Written communication refers to the exchange of messages, ideas, or expressions in text formats. This form of communication is more formal than verbal communication. But, it is essential for record-keeping and standardizing communication in an enterprise. Before, we jump to the importance of effective communication skills, let us look at the different types or modes of written communication:

  • Text messages
  • Emails
  • Reports
  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Proposals
  • Memos
  • Employee Rule Book or Manual
  • Faxes
  • Brochures
  • Bulletins
  • Contracts
  • SOPs

Also Read: Modes of Communication: Types, Meaning and Examples

Characteristics of Effective Written Communication

All the aforementioned forms of communication must have the following characteristics to be effective:

  • Accurate
  • Clear and Transparent
  • Formal Tone
  • Comprehensive
  • Without Grammatical Errors

Also Read: 10 Nonverbal and Verbal Communication Skills to Succeed

Importance of Effective Written Communication Skills

Even though many corporate workers think verbal communication is more important than written communication in the workplace, the latter’s value cannot be discredited. Thus, to help you analyze the importance of effective written communication skills, we have enlisted some reasons to highlight the significance of written communication:

1. Helpful in Record Keeping

Firstly, think of written communication as having a memory aid. When you write things down, you create a record that you can refer back to. It is like a note-to-self, ensuring you remember the details of agreements or discussions.

2. Effective in Standardising Interaction in the Organisation

Writing sets a standard for communication, making interactions more effective. It’s a quick and universal way for people in different locations or speaking different languages to connect.

3. Facilitates Communication of Complex Ideas

Also, some things are just easier to explain in writing. It’s like crafting a well-thought-out explanation without the pressure of immediate reactions. Get your complex ideas across without the fear of being misunderstood.

4. Time Saving

Furthermore, sending a quick email or message can save you time and resources. There is no need for lengthy phone calls or face-to-face meetings. Just type, send, and be done!

5. Reduces Ambiguity

In the business world, clarity is key. Writing things down ensures everyone is on the same page, minimizing confusion and potential mistakes. Plus, you have a written reference to avoid misunderstandings.

6. Improves Communication Skills

Besides, writing encourages a more formal and concise communication style. It is like honing your skills to express yourself better, and written documents make it easy for others to reference information later.

Also Read: 8 Models of Communication

Source: TEDx Talks

How to Acquire Effective Written Communication Skills?

Here are different ways to acquire effective communication skills:

  • Use reliable reference books and tools

Use online tools like Grammarly, Hemingway Editor, Cliche Finder, Trello, etc to improve your writing skills. These tools help check for quality, grammar, spelling, and other errors to enable you to become an efficient writer. Furthermore, you can seek help from books like Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide for Creating Ridiculously Good Content by Ann Handley; and Words that Work: It’s Not What You Say, It’s What People Hear by Dr. Frank Luntz. Dr. Frank Luntz; and The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White to improve your writing skills.

  • Opt for Online Writing Classes

Furthermore, you can enroll in online writing classes by Skillsoft, Udemy, Coursera, Arizona State University, LinkedIn, etc to learn about trending writing techniques. These platforms offer custom courses for people with different writing styles, so you need to choose the course that suits your needs. Also, you can suggest your company’s HRs to organize these classes for you. 

  • Ask for Feedback from Colleagues and Experienced Professionals

Finally, you must share your writing samples with colleagues and experienced professionals for feedback. Take advantage of their feedback to work on your shortcomings. 

Also Read: Books to Improve Your Verbal & Non-verbal Communication


Q.1. What is the importance of effective written communication in the digital age?

Ans: In the contemporary digital era, written communication is more crucial than ever. Your ability to communicate well, create engaging content, build a personal brand, succeed in academics and your career, and weave compelling stories all depend heavily on your strong writing skills.

Q.2. Why are effective communication skills important in the workplace?

Ans: These skills are essential because of the following reasons:

1. Enhance communication skills
2. Keeps record of ideas and messages
3. Saves Time
4. Reduces Ambiguity
5. Communicates complex ideas

Q.3. What are the different forms of written communication?

Ans: Email, text messages, bulletins, memos, employee manuals, etc are different types of written communication. 

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