Down in the Dumps Meaning, Synonyms, Examples

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down in the dumps meaning

We all feel low from time to time, or “down in the dumps” meaning we are sad, depressed, or unhappy. The idiom “down in the dumps” is used to indicate a person’s state of mind when they are upset, possibly due to the circumstances in their lives. 

The earliest record of this phrase appears in Francis Grose’s “The Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue” written in the late 16th century. Even the word “dump” was derived from the name of an Egyptian king Dumpos, who’s believed to have died of melancholy.

Another possible explanation is that it refers to the dumps, which are places where garbage or waste is thrown away. Being “down in the dumps” could mean being in a dirty or unpleasant situation, or feeling worthless or hopeless.

Usage With Examples

Here’s how you can use the idiom “down in the dumps” correctly in a sentence:

  1. She’s been down in the dumps ever since she lost her job.
  2. He was feeling a bit down in the dumps after his girlfriend broke up with him.
  3. I don’t know why, but I’m just down in the dumps today.
  4. He’s been down in the dumps ever since his dog passed away. 
  5. She had been down in the dumps all week because of her exams.

Also Read: 500+ Most Commonly Used Idioms in English: Meaning and Examples

Down in the Dumps: Synonyms and Similar Words

Here are some words and phrases that have the same meaning as the idiom “down in the dumps”:

  1. Feeling blue
  2. Under the weather
  3. In low spirits
  4. Sad
  5. Despondent
  6. Depressed
  7. Disheartened
  8. Gloomy
  9. Glum
  10. Miserable
  11. Morose
  12. Unhappy

Also Read: At The Helm Meaning, Synonyms, Examples

Down in the Dumps Meaning Quiz

Which of the following sentences uses the idiom “down in the dumps” correctly?

A) He was down in the dumps when he saw the beautiful sunset. He felt so peaceful and calm. 

B) She was down in the dumps after she failed her math test. She studied so hard for it. 

C) They were down in the dumps when they won the lottery. They couldn’t believe their luck. 

D) He was down in the dumps when he ate his favourite ice cream. He loved the taste and texture.

The correct answer is B) She was down in the dumps after she failed her math test. She studied so hard for it. 

So this was all about learning the phrase “down in the dumps” meaning, its usage, and its synonyms and phrases related to it. Keep following Leverage Edu to discover and learn more idioms like this.

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