
Study Abroad: Top 5 Country’s Exam Every International Student Must Know

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Study Abroad Top 5 Countries Exam Every International Student Must Know

Choosing a country for your study abroad adventure isn’t just about universities and courses. The education system itself can have a significant impact on your experience, from academic rigor to stress levels. So, if you’re looking for a challenge and want to push your intellectual limits, consider these five countries known for their demanding education systems:


South Korea

Study Abroad Top 5 Countries Exam Every International Student Must Know

Brace yourself for the infamous Suneung, an eight-hour exam covering various subjects and determining your university fate, career prospects, and even relationships! Korean students dedicate intense hours to studying, so be prepared for a highly competitive environment.

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Study Abroad Top 5 Countries Exam Every International Student Must Know

While known for its innovative approach, Finland’s Matriculation Examination shouldn’t be underestimated. It assesses knowledge and skills acquired throughout high school, and passing is crucial for university entry. Expect a focus on critical thinking and problem-solving.


Study Abroad Top 5 Countries Exam Every International Student Must Know

The highly regarded Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level exam tests your academic mettle across various subjects. With a 93.4% success rate, it demands strong preparation and strategic planning. Be ready for a competitive atmosphere where excellence is expected.

United States of America

Study Abroad Top 5 Countries Exam Every International Student Must Know

The pressure-cooker Gaokao is China’s national college entrance exam, with millions competing for limited university spots. This multi-day test covers numerous subjects, and intense studying is the norm. If you thrive under pressure, China could be an exciting challenge.

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Study Abroad: Top 5 Countries Exam Every International Student Must Know

The National Center Test for University Admissions presents a unique hurdle. Over half a million students tackle 29 different tests in six subjects, depending on their desired university. Be prepared for diverse testing formats and subject-specific knowledge assessments.

This is an essential step that the students will need to go through to have a smooth life abroad. If you want to read more such exciting information, make sure you follow Leverage Edu News Updates. 

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